Becoming a Programmer By Bilal Shadizai


ENG 1101

                                                     Becoming a Programmer

Everyone should choose their major carefully because it’s their career. My name is Bilal Shadizai. I’m currently attending the New York City College of Technology, (CityTech). I’m majoring in Computer Information System, (CIS), which belongs to the department of Computer System Technology,(CST),and the school of Tech and Design. I have done some research in different kinds of jobs and the one that caught my interest is Web programming. CST provides two kinds of degrees, an Associate of Applied Science, (AAS), another is Bachelor of Technology, (BTech). The degree I’m trying to earn is AAS because it prepares people for web programming, and database programming. If I get an opportunity in the future I will also try to get BTech degree because with a bachelor a person can find better jobs with higher wages than a person with only associates. To be a programmer a person should have patience in order to work well, and patience is one of my best qualities. CST is the right major for me because I have been interested in programming for a long time, and programming will gives me opportunity to work alone. In addition as technology evolves and becomes an important part of our daily lives, more jobs will occur. In the computer field there are many jobs with higher pays compare to other fields. I am planning to work hard to achieve an AAS degree and then bachelors.

According to CityTech Catalog “The Associates in Applied Science (AAS) in computer information prepares students for entry level careers in: computer programming, and systems networking administration and support” (Catalog 222). People who earn AAS degree can get jobs as programmers and AAS gives a solid information about computer systems. I want to acquire my associates in CityTech and find a job as a web programmer. If I could I will also get BTech degree in order to be more successful. Learning programming requires a lot of hard work, patience, and well cooperation between learner, and teacher. Many people change their majors from CIS to something else because they find it hard. Learning programming can be frustrating but it’s not impossible to learn. I will not change my major because becoming a programmer is what I always wanted to do. Most people who got Degree in CIS didn’t regret because Computers jobs can be hard to get but once someone got it, its fun to do. Just like in almost all of the jobs, programmers also improve over time. Being a major in CIS will open up many job opportunities for me because CIS prepares people for almost any kind of job that involves computers. Programming doesn’t make a person physically tired but it does makes a person mentally tired, and I like when i’m mentally challenged. The amount of research I’ve done on programming is enough to encourage me to major in CIS.

I have never taken a computer class before attending college but I have been interested in computers since my freshman year in high school. In my high school I had a friend named Wahid, who had an interest in computer systems. Wahid was completely obsessed with computers and how they work, and he would talk about computers all the time. The more he talked about it the more I grew interest in computers. I started researching about computer and jobs related to it. During the research i have found some interesting facts which I have heard from Wahid and thought were lies. According to Occupational Outlook Handbook “the median annual wage to computer programmer was $74,280 in May 2012″(United States Par.3). During the research I learned that jobs that involved computers are very high paying jobs.CityTech College Catalog stated,”Students learn, applying and evaluating technological solutions to real-world problems”,(Catalog 222). Learning computer systems will not only give me some knowledge but it will also teach me to be more patience and change the way i think. Compare to other fields the computer based jobs pays more fair payments.After learning this much about computer fields I decided to major in CIS. My friend Wahid played an important role in my decision to major in Computer Information Systems.

My preferable environment in a job is in which I can work alone. According to occupational outlook handbook “programmers normally work alone, but sometimes work with other computer specialists on large projects”,(United States Par.3). Becoming a programmer will give me an opportunity to work alone mostly, but when a task gets too complicated for me I like to discuss, and work it out with others. Most of the time when people work in a group they don’t give their best because people rely on each other when they are in a group. Occupational Outlook Handbook, “they usually work alone”(United States. Par 3). I prefer working in office in which i can work how I like. I like being challenged and doing what I can do instead of relying on others, unless the task in hand is too hard for me to get it done alone. Working alone will also give me some privacy and I like working in a quite place, I can think better when working alone. People also can’t concentrate on something when other people are around, but, concentration is a crucial part of programming, one little mistake can make all the effort useless. I think the work environment for programmer is right environment for me.

In the modern time nothing is more important than having knowledge of computers. last two or three decades computers are becoming important rapidly. Occupational Outlook Handbook stated that “ Employment of computer programmers is projected to grow 8 percent from 2012 to 2022, about as fast as the average for all occupations”(United States. Par5). As technology evolves, more computer jobs occur. Nowadays almost all jobs involves computers in some ways. People with no computer knowledge have less percentage of getting most jobs. A Two-Tier Based Approach to Improving Students’ computer Programming Skills in a Web-Based Learning Environment stated, “The rapid development of information technology has created high demands for skillful programming specialists”,(Tzu-Chi. Par1). The demands for programmers are increasing which means that there are more jobs and there are more chances of me getting a job as a programmer than other jobs. The competition of getting computer jobs are increasing but yet people can still find jobs, if they put some efforts in finding it because jobs with computers are increasing rapidly.

Being a programmer have always been my dream. I’m here in CityTech to earn an AAS and then BTech degree. After earning AAS degree I will be able to work as a programmer already. I will work for a well known company such as Verizon, or AT&T. These companies also provides other opportunities such as free trips, vacations, and if i wanted to continue my education while working for them, they will pay for my education. After getting Btech degree I will look for even better job with higher payment as a IT expert. Becoming an IT expert is not an easy task, it requires a lot of hard work, and responsibility. Being an IT expert is the highest level of computers education. IT experts know everything about computers, and how they functions. I know that it will take me more than 4 years to become IT expert so thats why im trying to become a programmer first. Becoming a programmer ,and then It expert will not be easy but i will not give up until I achieve my dream.


                                                                   Works Cited

             Tzu-Chi, Yang, et al. “A Two-Tier Test-Based Approach To Improving Students’ Computer-Programming Skills In A Web-Based Learning Environment.” Journal Of Educational Technology & Society 18.1 (2015): 198-210. Academic Search Complete. Web. 8 Nov. 2015.


           New York City College of Technology- College-Catalog  2015-2016 (CityTech). New york: New york City College of Technology, 2015 PDF.

          United States. Department of Labor. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Computer and Information Technology. Computer Programmers. Work Environment, Pay. “Occupational Handbook Outlook” Washington: Bureau of Labor Statistics, 5 Nov. 2015.

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