Enter The Radiology World.

My Name is Brandon Richardson. I am Nineteen years old and I attend the college known as New York City College Of Technology. The name of the degree that I am going for is a bachelors in Radiology And Medical Tech Imaging. I believe that with all the knowledge that I will gain within the classes I take throughout my college career I will see to be ready to pursue also my masters within Radiology and Medical Tech Imaging in graduate school. I have always felt a huge passion of wanting to be a doctor but yet again also try and be into the topic of technology at the same time. The reason for that is because I am very intelligent in the field of computers and technology but however I do have a dream of being a doctor and when you put that together with the fact that Radiology has to do with scanning the body and MRI’s and etc, It combines both those subjects together. Technology is something that is needed everywhere but especially with hospitals. Ever since I was young the dream of me wanting to be a doctor was something that was so surreal to me that I would think about it almost every year growing up and then when I started working at hospitals and volunteering at hospitals, It strengthened my love for wanting to be a doctor. There are multiple reasons why I want to be a radiologist but the main 3 reasons are because I have a dream of being a doctor, also because I want to help people to live more healthier and stronger and somehow someway go about life in a better way & by being a radiologist I believe you can do that. My last reason is because of my love for technology plus my combined love for wanting to be a doctor which goes into the placement of being a radiologist. In the future I do plan on going to medical school after getting my masters and bachelors within my major and have the skill set to be a radiologist and for me to achieve my dream.


Now your probably thinking to yourself, “Well what could being a radiologist possibly do to make the world a better place or better yet, WHAT IS A RADIOLOGIST?” Well a radiologist first of all is a medical doctor that is specialized in treating both a disease and an injury by using Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). An MRI is a technique used by radiologist to use magnetic fields and radio waves in order to create an image on a screen of bones, organs & tissues in the body. Now for people who watch sports, when a person gets injured anywhere in the body they have go to a radiologist in order to check what happened to the place in the body where the injury occurred. Multiple injuries can happen at once so what the radiologist does is scan the body and see what is possibly broken in their body and what it bothering the person. This also can apply to diseases because the MRI also has the ability to form a image of the body and the disease that is inside the person, For example a radiologist can also check and see if a person has cancer based of a MRI scan of the body. It is something that Is very useful because most people may not realize or know that they have cancer until it is to late and the fact that you can check and process what is happening within your body and what is wrong in your body and how you can possibly heal it is an amazing thing to me.

As I said in the first paragraph, I do have a dream of being a doctor and ever since I was about the age of 6 when I first went into a hospital, I noticed so many things that sparked my attention. From the people that have multiple jobs within pretty much helping other people of different ages and different sickness or health issues was something that really made me understand that one person can truthfully change your life and make it for the better if they learn from their mistakes and get treated at a hospital. For example if someone gets a bad disease and goes to a hospital they can not only get help and get treated for what happened to them, they can also learn a valuable lesson that life is only short if you make it short. You can live to have a healthy life and live to have a even stronger lifespan if you treat your body right and also know the rights and wrongs of things you shouldn’t do against your body. Like how smoking and alcohol can really effect someone’s life is something so vital & some people don’t even come back from that. So at the time I didn’t know what radiology was nor did I know about any of the positions in a hospital at that. However though the things that grabbed me in a hospital was that you can make someone’s life better by instantly curing them and also just showing them that there are various things in the world that can shorten your life but if you take care of yourself you can live for as long as you allow yourself to live. According to the article “Why would anyone choose to be a doctor” by Danielle Ofri, she says this quote that “If I’m having a really rotten day in clinic, all I need is one of these new medical students to pop in, even if they make a long day even longer. The fact that medicine is still compelling enough for 17,000 people each year to commit a decade or more of their life to training is inspirational”. It shows that people really want to learn how to help others by creating all these new types of medicines to help others live better lives & people want to commit to doing so which is an amazing thing to me.


This brings me to my second huge reason why I want to be a radiologist and that is to help people live to have a better life and to make better decisions to have a more healthy life. You see people come in and out of hospitals these days whether it’s checking to see if they have a disease or if something very dangerous and life threatening happened to them or if their just coming to check on their daily check up’s to see how they are doing and if they need medicine for whatever particular reason. It’s always a reason for someone to be heading to the hospital. Now what they do after they leave the hospital is where the problem may be at. Like if a person has multiple sex partners for example and feel as if they get a STD test that maybe that’ll change them having multiple sex partners if they are positive in any disease and they find out that they’re negative, that can either change them to take more risks or to just completely stop having unprotected sex. I believe that some people come to doctors to be checked out but however I think doctors should also inspire people to just take care of themselves in a better way and to live more positively throughout their lives. Even when being a radiologist and going back to my point of scanning the bodies of athletes when they get injured or serious injuries that can effect there season or better yet career. They should also let them know that they should be more careful and be aware of the dire situations that a person can go through. Some people can change by meeting the right doctors who actually care about their health and not doing it just for the money and that goes for any patient meeting a doctor. I believe if you can change someone mentally you can change them physically and with that being said it’s almost like as if a doctor can be a psychologist in a way but also a doctor at the same time by just helping them to show that you can live a better life if you stop doing things to hurt your body in a way. I believe if you can help the world or the person in front of you in any way to live a better and healthy life then that’s one of the biggest accomplishments a person can achieve. It’s like saving a life pretty much.


My final reason for wanting to be a major in radiology and medical tech imaging and be a radiologist is because of my love for technology combined with my love of being  a doctor. According to the article “How much do radiologist make a year for entry level” by forest time and demand media, the average radiologist on their first year starts making between $330,000-$350,000 on their first year and then they gain even more money along the years with the more experience that they achieve. The money thing is just one little point of why I want to be a radiologist but it furthers my point however how much I know I would love being a radiologist because how much technology is so vital to my life and how also being a doctor is vital to me and when you combine that to make a radiologist and also include how much pay you get a year. It’s a huge boost of motivation to keep going in the path of being in a radiology major. I have always loved technology. No matter if it was even computers or phones or even devices that would improve something like a HDMI cord for example that makes a TV more high definition, It would always fascinate me on how much technology can be so effective in this day and age and that everyone needs it. Like why some people can take the stairs for example when there is a elevator powered by technology or an escalator that is powered by technology. There are so many things technology can do to help the world and it’s something that always made me want to know my knowledge on electronics and devices made in this day in age. So when you realize that radiology has to do with MRI’s and scanning the body which I find to be simply amazing based off the power in technology to check someone’s body, it instantly clicked to me that I want to be a radiologist and learn more things about the power of MRI’s and other things pertaining to radiology and how it is used. Hospitals without technology these days I think would be very difficult to sustain because how much technology has improved along the years and how effective it is to discover new things.

So in the future as I stated before, I want to go on further to get a masters in radiology and medical tech imaging. However though I know it won’t happen at the blink of an eye. Some people need years and years and years of training and school and knowledge in order to be that of a doctor or in my case a radiologist. A person has to be able to sacrifice at least 10 years of their life including college in order to complete the path of being a doctor or a radiologist depending on which doctor you want to be. I look at the path of it and it still is something that you can either conquer or let it conquer you. I say that because it takes a lot to want to be a doctor and want to save lives. You have to be nothing but dedicated and have a love and passion for it just how you would anything else that you want to be in life. So with that being said in the future I will sustain that of confidence and knowledge and drive and motivation to move further throughout the years of being in college and medical school to get to where I want to be and that’s being a doctor. When you have a love for something, that should also come with a drive to always complete your goal no matter the obstacle. After I finish medical school and finish college and achieve my Masters & Bachelors & Doctoral degrees it will show how much drive I truly had for the start of being a radiologist and helping the world from there


Work Cited

Ofri, Danielle. “Why would anyone choose to become a doctor”, http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/07/21/why-would-anyone-choose-to-become-a-doctor/?_r=0. Web.July.21.2011

Forest Time. “How much do radiologist make a year for entry level”. http://work.chron.com/much-radiologists-make-year-entry-level-21976.html. Web. Nov.7.2015



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