All around the world, The effect of traveling by Brandon Richardson

Brandon Richardson

Jason W. Ellis



My name is Brandon Richardson. I am Twenty years old and I go to New York City College Of Technology and my major is Radiology and medical tech imaging and after college I plan to go on the pursuit of being a radiologist and entering the medical field as well. I love playing football and I love watching football as well. I am a die-hard fan of the NY Giants. I have been a big fan of the organization for about 9 years. It has been a long time watching them go through there hardships and victories as a team but I also enjoy reading, swimming, relaxing, and photography. But those are preliminary things that I like. There are 3 things however that I love equally. Those 3 things would be Football, Music and Traveling. Those 3 things hold a special meaning to me because my happiness is at the highest of its extent when I am enjoying any of these 3 things at a time. But if I had to choose honestly 1 of those 3 that truly have a special meaning to me It would have to be Traveling around the world. To travel around the world has so much of a meaning to me because it really makes me have a huge outlook on life that I will explain further. Without the opportunity to travel I would feel honestly trapped within my own hometown.


When I first traveled somewhere I went out of the United States of America. I felt really scared at first because of the plain fact that I didn’t like planes but luckily I grew out of that thought as I got older. My first place I went to was Paris. I had dreams when I was younger to travel all around the world and explore different places and area’s around the world to see and understand and realize that you can see there are so much more things to life than rather staying in one place in your home area. The reason why I say that because the world has so much different things to offer from the people of different countries and continents or even from the cultures and area’s themselves and even the people and food and the lists go on going from area to area. Also the memories that come with traveling are things that stick with you as you move on to travel and I realized that on my first trip going to Paris and my first time being on a plane which is and was a truthfully weird experience. I say that because ever since hearing about how crucial and destructive planes are back when 9/11 happened planes always gave me a weird feeling but however it was actually pretty cool to take my first flight.


When I went into Paris I realized this place is truthfully like another world like most of the places you go to that are different when walk out of your home area. The air was different the place was different it felt like an old vintage area about the place. I learned a lot about the French and overall the whole history behind France and how it was used in the 1800’s and how important it was in Europe to most of the other countries in Europe. I then realized this whole trip by discovery of new things that I truly want to travel the world and experience new things of another country or area. Paris was my first love of traveling experiences. Especially when I went to see the Mona Lisa and the Eiffel Tower I realized so much about me and about how I was meant to travel around the world. Also the year after I ended up going to London I realized when I went there I noticed things were actually beyond different than living and growing up in NY and that the people there and the culture and the different types of things they do here are so different. London was a place of just history and beauty all at once. You learn so much from the history of London that makes you realize no matter how old it is, you’ll always see that it has its own type of culture and organic history of its own. Without that I believe traveling to a new area is really not all that if you don’t see anything new or learn anything about the place and gain knowledge of the place. Everywhere in the world has it’s differences and can be discovered of learning new things about it. So going to Europe was an experience because it was like a different world from NY and it shows why you should travel.


Traveling truthfully can have someone in complete wanderlust. What I mean by that is that when you travel to all types of different area’s all around the world you start to notice to see that there are so many different things that come with the place that may change your overall outlook on life. I always used to think to myself (well why do people always spend money to ravel to all these different places?) but then once I started doing it myself I realized that what comes with the plain fact that you can travel to a different place and learn new things is the memories that come with it. With a flash of a camera you can take a picture that’ll overall come as a memory to you or at least a reminder to your brain of a memory. To me as I grew up ever since going to Paris then going to London the year after I grew to realize that experiences traveling are worth so much more than materialistic things or things of technology or just things money can buy. But those experiences you can’t buy them. To travel to a different place that you’ve never been to is like creating a new memory within your memory bank that just stays with you when that place comes to mind. As I grew up from going to London when I was 13 I ended up at that same age having this dream of going to California and when I realized that, I had to make it my goal that I ended up accomplishing in 2015. To travel somewhere as I grew up made me understand that you have only 1 life to live and sometimes it’s worth the risk to go to new places because you never know how much life can be throwing at you and what you can be missing from this world. It has a special meaning to me be able to travel and have the opportunity to see different things around the world to learn new things and just overall make you a different better person to appreciate more things about life.

When I had this big dream of going to California It was for sure something I knew had to happen in order for my goal to be accomplished. Thinking about it for years there was so many things that made me think about how much of a different world California was. From the weather itself to the whole atmosphere, the palm trees, and overall the city area of the things you can do there. It just really looked like a dream world to me that I had to go to. So once this year in 2015 I finally made that the case. Going to California changed my life and overall made me realize one of the most illustrious things of life and that would be that dreams do come true if you stay on them consistently. Growing up I wasn’t to big on dreams because I wasn’t such a positive person overall because I always was a honest person and always hoped for the best but knew the best wouldn’t always happen. But as a I grew up I realized through traveling that when you go to other places all around the world you really get to see how blessed you are and how much knowledge you can achieve through learning about new places all around the world. The wanderlust is something that will always keep me going to dream about going to places and from there I will always make traveling a big deal every year of my life.  Traveling has taught me that anything is possible in life and when you realize that, the mind becomes unbreakable to have goals in mind always.

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