

Course Description

A hands-on computing literacy course on how microcomputers can improve teaching and learning environments. Emphasis is placed on the process of planning, designing, and implementing pedagogical techniques that best facilitate student learning. Topics include Word Processing, Spreadsheet & Database Management Systems. Interactive Multimedia Software, Internet Multimedia Software, Internet and World Wide Web.

Prerequisites: EDU 2362 Methods of Teaching in Career and Technology Teacher Education.

Course Requirements

The content, activities, and outside work for the course are all designed to contribute to your ability to achieve the previously described objectives. The delivery system for the attainment of these objectives consists of a varied group of activities, including:
A. Instructor lectures, class discussion, case studies, in-class group work, and informal inclass
B. Assignments to be submitted on Blackboard a week after each session (online discussion,
written assignment, reflection/response paper, social media task or quiz)
C. Professionalism and participation in class
D. Presentation
E. Final Project on OpenLab

1. You should have access to the Internet. There are also student computer labs located on
the school campus. For more information, visit:
2. You will need to have access to your CityTech email account and CUNYFirst account.
This will in turn grant you access to CityTech Blackboard and OpenLab, both of which are
required for this course.
3. EDU3640 is a hybrid course. There are therefore both in-person on-campus classroom
meetings in Midway-204 as well as online asynchronous or synchronous sessions on the
Blackboard platform. You are asked to check your Blackboard at least twice a week and
enable email notifications to your email account.

Course Objectives

Upon completion of this course, the candidate will be able to:
1. Evaluate appropriate uses of educational technology and social media
2. Critically analyze issues related to educational technology and social media
3. Select appropriate uses of technology consistent with educational objectives and standards
4. Plan ways to use technology appropriately and effectively in teaching and learning environments
5. Utilize various software applications and the Internet in the classroom

Required Text

Bates, A.W. (2015). Teaching in a Digital Age: Guidelines for Designing Teaching and Learning. Vancouver BC: Tony Bates Associates Ltd.

Course Policies

Attendance Policy: Attendance of all class meetings is paramount. No more than one unexcused absence will be allowed. Each additional absence (excused or unexcused) will lower your course grade by one full point. This means that if you are absent twice, the highest grade you can earn in this course is B. Two lateness equal one absence. You cannot be absent more than two times and remain in the course because that would put you below the grade of B. Please be advised that an instructor has the right to drop a student from a course for excessive absence (refer to the College Catalog and Student Handbook).

Late Submission Policy: Assignments are due ON TIME. Late assignments will be penalized, and in some cases, not accepted at all. Assignments MUST be in the format required by the professor-assignments not delivered in the required format will not be accepted.

Academic Integrity Statement: Students and all others who work with information, ideas, texts, images, music, inventions, and other intellectual property owe their audience and sources accuracy and honesty in using, crediting, and citing sources. As a community of intellectual and professional workers, the College recognizes its responsibility for providing instruction in information literacy and academic integrity, offering models of good practice, and responding vigilantly and appropriately to infractions of academic integrity. Accordingly, academic dishonesty is prohibited in The City University of New York and at New York City College of Technology and is punishable by penalties, including failing grades, suspension, and expulsion

Statement on Students with Disabilities: Qualified students with disabilities will be provided reasonable academic accommodations if determined eligible by the Office of Students Support Services ((OSSS). Prior to granting a disability accommodations in this course, the instructor must receive written verification of a student’s eligibility form OSSS, which is located in Room A-237. It is the student’s responsibility to initiate contact with the OSSS staff and to follow the established procedures for having the accommodation notice sent to the instructor.


New York City College of Technology’s official grading scale will be used: 93-100% (A), 90-92.9% (A-), 87-89.9% (B+), 83-86.9% (B), 80-82.9% (B-), 77-79.9% (C+), 70-76.9% (C), 60-69.9% (D), 59.9% and below (F).

Method of Evaluation:
Assignments for Each Session 50%
Group Wiki Assignment 10%
Final OpenLab Project 20%
Presentation of OpenLab Project 10%
Participation 10%

Course Schedule

Session Date Topics/Chapter Reading Assignment Due
1 January 25, 2019 Syllabus & Introductions.
2 February 1, 2019 Nature of Knowledge and Learning (Chapter 2)


February 8, 2019 Methods of Online Teaching (Chapter 4) Assignment 1: Reflection on Learning Theories and Instruction


February 15, 2019 Text in Education (Chapter 7)


February 22, 2019 OpenLab


March 1, 2019 Computing and Social Media (Chapter 7) Assignment 2: Textual Content in Online Environment


March 8, 2019 Computing and Social Media (Chapter 7)


March 15, 2019 Audio and Video in Education (Chapter 7) Group Wiki Project
9 March 22, 2019 Effective Learning Environments (Appendix 1) Assignment 3: Social Media


March 29, 2019 Effective Learning Environments (Appendix 1)


April 5, 2019 Media Selection (Chapter 8) Assignment 4:  Effective Learning Environment


April 12, 2019 Media Selection (Chapter 8)



May 3, 2019


Ensuring Quality Teaching and Assessment (Chapter 11) Assignment 5: Selection of Media for Instruction



May 10, 2019


Ensuring Quality Teaching and Assessment (Chapter 11)



May 17, 2019


Presentations of OpenLab Project OpenLab Project



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