Assignment 06
Due at beginning of class on Week 8.
Complete the following tasks:
- Register for an account on
- As a start, visit: and/or search for education-related terms such as “learning”, “classroom”, “grading” etc. Also consider terms and words typically use in your teaching specialties (CTE or technology education)
- Follow five (5) education-related boards
- Pin/Save at least twenty (20) items that you find useful for your teaching/assessment/classroom that you will share with your peers and classmates. Develop and name at least two boards for your Pins.
- Pin/Save at least twenty (20) items that you will share with the students in the CTE/class that you teach. Develop and name at least two boards for your Pins (e.g.
“Type of Cables and Wires”, “Design Process”, “Pantones”, etc). - Upload five (5) pins that is relevant to your teaching specialty or content area.
- Submit the link to your Pinterest account on Blackboard.