Suspense – The Dream

He opens his eyes from an unknown location. He swims towards the ladder near the surface. He emerges from the below and proceeds to take a deep breath, as he finds himself surrounded by water in the ocean. He reaches for the ladder, pulls himself up, and starts to climb. He arrives at the top of the platform and finds her. He approaches while indirectly looking at her. He sits down and they make conversation.  As the conversation progresses, he gets visibly angered by her responses. She says something intentional to push him over the edge, and he grabs at her shoulder. The tone of her voice fades into nothingness and she disappears with it. He realizes at that moment what the message was all about. It appears at the end of the ladder. He quickly turns around to her, and he see’s an after-image of her diving off of the platform. He runs after her to escape it’s grasp. He manages to dive off into the ocean. To his surprise he appears at the top of the platform again, flying full speed into it. Then he wakes up.

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‘Day in the Park’ story synopsis

Dan is meeting Ben at the park. Dan see’s Ben in the distance and runs up to him and tackles him. The two friends wander into the forest to find rocks to use as markers. As they search for suitable rocks, they find an old fence that leads to some unknown location. Ben is a scrub so he runs away fearing for his life.

Dan opens the fence and sneaks in without anyone noticing, and Dan reluctantly follows him. They hear echoes and spot some shady figure in the distance. They run away; avoiding the sounds and heading deeper into the forest.



Here’s a breakdown of the the scene, as well as the shot list for it.
