Week 13 – Final Project Check In

During the span of a week I have been teaching myself how to use blender in a multitude of ways. I have learned the basics of navigating the platform and using the tools given to me. There are certain hotkeys you have to adjust yourself to before using the software at hand. The most important ones being G for grabbing a point that has been selected and moving it. There is R for the rotation of the objects. There is also E for extruding said objects. the numpad is useful in the direction you are looking like front faces , top faces, and side faces. I decided to make a lowpoly person or an attempt since it was my first ever time using blender properly.

Reference videos:



Week 12 – Unity Video

This was an interesting assignment and helped me feel more comfortable with unity. The video recorder was fairly straight forward in what I have to do. The only problem I had was uploading the video which I got over by making it a youtube video and posting the link.

Week 11 – photogrammetry

This week I worked with the Agisoft Metasphere in order to make 3d models out of real objects. I decided to use a PS4 controller.  I took around 80-90 photos. Some problems that I encountered was when trying to upload the photos to drive, from my iPhone,  they would come up as HEIC. Which was unusable for the Metasphere program. So I through the process of uploading 10 files at a time through a online converter since it was a free version. I later found out that I could change the formatting of photos of iphone in the settings to jpeg. Then came the process of tracking the points and making a mesh out of it. This was a very simple process and makes it very easy. the final problems was when I exported the project as a fbx it did not have any textures on the object. so it was just blue on the unity scene.


Week 10 – VRchat Model

The model i decided to use was an asset that i found before hand. This was a pretty easy model to work with. One issue that I had was when I would configure the model on mixamo it would save it with  the dancing animation. I realized this was just a mistake on my part. There was also the fact that I had to set the model to humanoid on Unity . The only other issue is that I am still not able to upload since it says I need to play longer.

Week 9 – VRChat

I have made an open house in vr chat using the tools given to  us like probuilder. Some issues I have is that I still cannot publish to VRChat. I have been able to make it work in single player. I messed around with sky boxes too

Idea of XR

Xr articles

Article 1

Article 2

Article 3

Article 4 

XR experience:
This idea of XR is not such a new topic as it is something that has been around for a while. But the medium on which it is being displayed on now is very different in the past 10 years. With the introduction to AR and VR. This idea of XR is the concept of having another perspective on something. This idea of empathizing with another point of view by going through it. These experience can range from very serious like going through the experience of a child living in a poor country to something as silly as playing as an anime character.

VR homework #1


Camp Monday 


Another artist that I follow on social media and whose work I enjoy. Their work also consist of very freelance work and other things of the sort. The reason I decided to choose this artist is because of the surrealism that they use in their work and how interesting and unique. It’s a very different style which works very well with the work they do 



A great artist that I enjoy who seems to do a lot of freelance work. The way he does backgrounds is amazing and feels really captivating and alive. Something I also appreciate is the designs of his characters. Feeling very unique and awesome! 

Hirohiko Araki 


A very influential manga artist creating one of the biggest manga series in the world. “Jojo’s bizarre adventure”. With some of his work being shown off at the Louvre and him creating a poster for the upcoming paraplegic olympics. The reason I think of him as an inspiration is because his style is so distinguable and vibrant. You could look at a piece of his art and know that “yeah that’s Araki art” and I strive for that in my work. 

Paru Itagaki 


Another manga artist that’s fairly well known, creator of the manga series “beastars”. This being an ongoing manga series with a very interesting story about anthropomorphic animal living in a very human society. The reason their art inspires me is that the way they portray their characters is in a very distinct style and just the way this artist does their line work is very unique. 


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