- Installation of the Display:
- Multipins for knobs
Sharing digital pins 2 and 3 (INT0 and INT1). “The processor at the heart of any Arduino has two different kinds of interrupts: “external”, and “pin change”. There are only two external interrupt pins on the ATmega168/328 (ie, in the Arduino Uno/Nano/Duemilanove), INT0 and INT1, and they are mapped to Arduino pins 2 and 3. These interrupts can be set to trigger on RISING or FALLING signal edges, or on low level. The triggers are interpreted by hardware, and the interrupt is very fast. The Arduino Mega has a few more external interrupt pins available“. For sharing pins I am using MCP23017 chip
No | NAME | USE |
1 | GPB0 | 8 |
2 | GPB1 | 9 |
3 | GPB2 | 10 |
4 | GPB3 | 11 |
5 | GPB4 | 12 |
6 | GPB5 | 13 |
7 | GPB6 | 14 |
8 | GPB7 | 15 |
9 | Vdd | power: 5V |
10 | Vss | ground |
11 | NC | [no connection] |
12 | SCL | A5 |
13 | SDA | A4 |
14 | NC | [no connection] |
15 | Address: A0 | hardware address with ground or power connection |
16 | Address: A1 | hardware address with ground or power connection |
17 | Address: A2 | hardware address with ground or power connection |
18 | RESET | power 5V |
19 | INTB | [no connection] |
20 | INTA | [no connection] |
21 | GPB0 | 0 |
22 | GPB1 | 1 |
23 | GPB2 | 2 |
24 | GPB3 | 3 |
25 | GPB4 | 4 |
26 | GPB5 | 5 |
27 | GPB6 | 6 |
28 | GPB7 | 7 |
- Assigning addresses and setting values for each button on Trellis:
- I installed Ubuntu on Raspberry Pi 2 with Pure Data. I have a sequencer almost ready and a music player with changing speed, volume, duration and some other options. I also have a set on buttons that I will use for this project and I ordered 12 more sets of this buttons for the whole device. I still will need to figure out what battery will be better to use and if I can use Arduino as an external microprocessor to give it some of the work and make RP work faster. Also I need to find a good audio shield for RP. I also started programming some of effects for audio files and 3d model of the device.
- want to install Windows 10 IoT on Raspberry Pi 2 and to run an external MaxMSP Application on it. Still need to test it. However, windows 10 reviews say that it’s not going to work. And that “Digital audio is completely ignored”. Link to the review. Otherwise I need to work in PureData on Linux