The beginning

It all started 15 years ago, when I met this man that had passion for food. As an eight year old girl I became his little sous chef. I would come back home from school and I will ask excited “what are we cooking for dinner tonight?!”.

Sometimes my mother will get upset with me because she said I did not let her boyfriend rest and he was supposed to be on vacation. He used to say he did not mind and he loved cooking for us. I was amazed at all the energy this man had. He would cook breakfast, lunch, and dinner, with no complaint, and he would put so much passion into every single dish.

His name is Sank Ek, at that time he was the Executive Chef at the Palm Restaurant in Washinton D.C. I never imagine I would meet such a wonderful person. He loved my mom and he loved me as well and of course he loved the fact that I enjoyed cooking with him.

Every single trip to the supermarket was an adventure. For me at the age of 8 it was awesome to buy items I had never shop with my mom before. He would buy different kinds of cheeses and cold cuts I had not had before. Everything was a new experience and it was awesome, I loved it! He is the kind of chef that does not make sweet desserts. Dessert for us was cheese and wine. I was drinking wine at the age of 8 of course just a sip here and there with my mother’s supervision but it counts ☺

Sometimes all you need is a person that enlightens you’re path like he did for me. Unfortunately, he is not with my mother anymore but we are still in touch.

Today I am a Hospitality Management Student because of him. He showed me to appreciate the little things in life; good food and beautiful people is all you need to create a memorable experience.