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Steps to creating a college club!

Steps To creating a club

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The first meeting is very essential when starting a new club. Just like a first impression, you want your club to appear its best. This is where the club members first meet one another. The meeting should be welcoming, with snacks and drinks provided. It should be relatively interesting, so there should be some sort of games involved to keep members interested and anticipated to stay.
During the first club meeting, members should introduce themselves through the “ice breaker”, a common activity in which members introduce themselves and share an interesting fact about themselves. This is the part where members get to know one another, where they come from, what their majoring, and etc. After going around the circle and learning a bit about each other, it is time to present the ‘constitution’ to the group, and be sure to ask for questions and feedback. Every member should receive a copy. Together, they will talk about the club’s purpose, its leadership structure and voting method. When you’re done going over it, ask if anyone has any changes they would like to suggest. After you have addressed any concerns, ask the group to adopt the constitution. Finally, club members will go over upcoming events.

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When making a club, you should recruit members of similar interests. Anyone can join a club, as long as they are passionate about the theme. The purpose of the club is to promote knowledge and appreciation of drawing. Many club members are friends, but in order to branch out, having fliers will attract attention, therefore, with it being more popular, it will be a success. However, they should limit the club members to around 10-20 persons. Having too many members in one club can result in conflict, anger, and frustration.
With too many people, it is hard to keep track of everyone’s information. In order to have a strong club, everyone should attend the meeting.

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How to start a club at city tech?
Steps on how to create one?
Who do we have to talk to?
How is the structure and how to create your own?
How the system works?
The limit of ppl?
Who can join?
What kind of Meetings do we have to attend?
How to reserve a room, stereo, event, trips?
Copy right with watching movies or videos?
Proposals and consent?
Advisor for the club?
How can we benefit from them and the down side?

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