
Diabetes and Periodontal Disease

As part of the Wellness health fair at City Tech, my classmates and I gave an oral presentation on the relationship of diabetes and periodontal disease. My classmates and I chose this topic since there was a lot to be vocalized about preventative care. In educating our patients, diseases such as Diabetes can be detected early and be much more controlled in the roll it plays in periodontal disease.

What is Diabetes mellitus?

  • Diabetes mellitus is a systemic disease characterized by increased blood glucose levels from defects of insulin production


What does Diabetes have to do with Periodontal disease?

  • Patients with diabetes have higher number of periodontal bacteria
  • Increased glucose levels in cervical fluid promotes the growth of microbes


Diabetes mellitus is something that can be easily screened in dental offices through an initial screening questionnaire. Since there is a strong correlation between uncontrolled diabetes and periodontal disease, it is important as a hygienist to look out for these kind of patients, and accordingly plan their treatment around their systemic condition.


Click the following link to view the pamphlet:


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