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View From My Window

To complete this project i use a lot of time and dont even make a really good work, i got to remake my final work like 3 times becuase i didnt cut correctly my figure and ground drawings.My ink thumbnails were decent but i think that i need to improve my drawing skills to be able to come up with better work for next class. Overall i think my work was decent but i could  do it better. The most difficult part of this project for me was to focus on my window to draw the thumbnails, because i get distracted really easy.

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3 Responses

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  1. Roque says

    I believe you did a good job but definitely have room for improvement. It follows the project guidelines and it is unique. It is a fine start.

    • Roque says

      it is clear which is the figure and which is the ground, that is good since it was a figure/ground project. It can use more details

  2. Alexander Hernandez (Alex) says

    Really nice job on your work. The inked thumbnails were good, but the cut outs could be improved. The only problem i have is that i think there are more stable, than ambiguous. But overall, a decent job.

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