The company I work for, Calling All Graphics, is owned by Marla Gotay. She is the main employee and the CEO of the company. I work as an assistant Graphic Designer to the supervisor, who assigns me work based on what she has to give me.
I came across this internship from the OpenLab list of internships for the summer, and what she does inspires me. I would one day want to become a freelance artist myself, so learning about the behind the scenes work and business side to it is thought-provoking. I reached out to Marla Gotay first, with my resume and portfolio, and she seemed to really like my work. She emailed me not too long after, stating she wanted to take me on for the job and I started working the next day. I didn’t have an in-person interview, and I ended up being hired along side another student who had started a little bit before me.