About the Company

Business BuildingDuring this semester, I am working with a design non-profit freelance organization called Calling All Graphics. The freelance company is small, with the CEO of it being the main supervisor for the entire company. She specializes in Graphic Design work and is notorious for working with different restaurants and businesses to create beautiful posters, brochures, flyers, menus & menu boards, etc. Calling All Graphics has been in business for over 25 years, and worked with 100’s of businesses with long-term relationships still standing. I work as an assistant, aiding in fixing and adjusting menu boards, while also getting hands on experience in making posters for businesses. I’m also getting personal experience with the business aspect of freelancing, as well as the ins and outs of making sure to work closely with the client.

After some research, it’s discovered that Calling All Graphics is located in Manhattan. It was founded in 2000, and my favorite thing about working here so far is learning more about how it is being a freelancer, how important it is to make connections, and the behind the scenes experience of learning how things work. There aren’t any found articles in regards to the company or the CEO.