
Class 1

  • Topic: First Day handout and general class info

Class 2

  • Topic: The written language and origin of  letterforms

Class 3

  • Topic: Intro to Classification of Type: Serif/Sans Serif/Script/Display
    How to Access Typefaces (web and print) Google Fonts, Adobe Fonts, etc

Class 4

  • Topic: Intro to Project 1: Type Book

Class 5

  • Topic: Basic Type Related Vocabulary 1: Baseline/capline/ x-height/lowercase/uppercase/ ascender/descender, etc.

Class 6

  • Topic: More on Classification of Type: Serif/Sans Serif/Script/Display

Class 7

  • Topic: Variations: width, weight, posture, contrast, serif

Class 8

  • Topic: Alignment–FL, FR, Center, Justify

Class 9

  • Topic: Space: Line Length  (or leading), Word Space (kerning & tracking)

Class 10

  • Topic: Type on a PATH / How to do a cov

Class 11

  • Topic: How to Complete Book (Package files/Binding)

Class 12

    Start conversation about Expressive Type

Class 13

  • Topic: Intro to Project 2
    • Expressive Type (with Typefaces)
    • Research and sketching

Class 14

  • Topic: Expressive Type (with Typefaces)
    • Moving into the computer

Class 15

  • Topic: Lettering and Word Experimentation
    • Research and sketching

Class 16

  • Topic: Lettering and Word Experimentation
    • Next Steps: Individual Approach–What is the best way to create your lettering

Class 17

  • Topic: Lettering and Word Experimentation
    • Prepare for presentation

Class 18

  • Topic: Lettering Experimentation

Class 19

  • Topic: Project 2 Due

Class 20

  • Topic: The Typographical Grid

Class 21

  • Topic: Color and Texture in Typography /Legibility

Class 22

  • Topic: Visual Hierarchy
    Intro Project 3: Posters and Social Media Posts

Class 23

  • Topic: Continue Project 3: Poster 1 and 2

Class 24

  • Topic: Continue Project 3: Poster 3 – Text Wrap

Class 25

  • Topic: Continue Project 3: Color – Social Media

Class 26

  • Topic: Continue Project 3: Type in Motion – Social Media

Class 27

  • Topic: Continue Project 3: DUE next class
    How to Prepare for presentations and final submissions

Class 28

  • Topic: Project 3: Presentations and Submissions

Class 29

  • Topic: Wrap up class activities

Class 30

  • Topic: Final Found Alphabets Last class

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