Grading Policy

— Main projects and their presentations
30% — Assignments -homework
30% — Class Activities/Discussions/Participation

Wednesday May 15th – Last day to withdraw with a grade of W

Grades Will be Posted To:

  • Brightspace

Main projects and their presentations 40%

Projects & Experiments are worth 40% of the total grade.There will be between 3-4 major projects. Only projects that adhere to documented project guidelines and are presented in a clean, professional manner will be accepted for credit.
Visit Activities > Project Guidelines to view the assigned projects.

Assignments – Homework 30%

Daily homework assignments support projects will be submitted and critiqued on the class site. Assignment work will be completed ans per the specifications listed on class pages.

Class Activities/Discussions/Participation 30%


  • Effective student participation is demonstrated by:
  • Posting and commenting on the shared class site, submitting your work, contributing to discussions, or giving peer feedback.
  • Participating in critiques, presentations, and discussions.
  • Muting your phone, other devices, or applications during class meetings.
  • Following best practices for face-to-face learning.
  • Class preparedness: bringing materials to class and checking the class site for instructions.
  • Timeliness: arriving to class on time and completing projects on time.
  • Asking questions, volunteering answers, and helping other students
  • Paying attention during live demonstrations and presentations
  • Following instructions


  • Critiques will be held regularly to help you master the design vocabulary and support your fellow classmates. The critique is a neutral, supportive dialog with members of the class. All students will present their work and discuss the strengths and weaknesses with regard to the project guidelines.

Assignment Submissions

Deadlines are for work to be upload by 11:59PM the day before class

  • Late assignments and projects will only be accepted up to one week after the deadline and will be marked with 0%, after that you cannot upload the work.
  • Any homework assignment that is submitted during class meeting time will be an automatic F.
  • Any late homework assignment that is submitted during class meeting time will be an automatic F.
  • Grading will start with a “85” for assignments that are handed-in late.
  • If you will be submitting late work you must email me.
  • In the email subject “Late assignment name, your name, due date”. In the email insert the assignment name/due date, link to upload, and the date it was submitted.
  • Activities/in class type challenges, etc., are to be completed during the allotted class time. These are not accepted late or if you miss class, unless specified by instructor.

Email format to get credit for late homework assignments


Student posts and comments will be used for recording and sharing your creative process and learning experience throughout the course. Posts and comments documenting your inspiration, experiments, readings, discussions, field trips, final work, and peer critiques will serve as a record of the effort and dedication you demonstrate throughout the semester. Find student posts and comments in the Student Work section.

Student Posts

You will be posting to the class site every week. Instructions for posting your work will be provided in each class agenda. For general help posting to the class site and submitting your work visit Help & Resources > Participation > Posting your work
Student Comments
You will be commenting on the class site every week. Instructions for commenting on discussion topics, visual library posts, and your fellow classmates work will be provided in each class agenda.


The following contribute to your successful completion of the course.

Independent Work

In order to meet the coursework requirements, you are expected to work at least 4 hours each week outside of class meeting time. Lab time will be available to help you meet the requirements, but you will need to schedule independent work time to complete your coursework.


The COMD BFA and AAS are design studio programs. In-class activities and engagement with other students is a significant portion of the course. 

Absences of 10% of total class hours (five classes) will result in a 10% drop from your grade due to an inability to meet deliverables of participation. 
This is in addition to other penalties that will be imposed for failure to complete academic requirements. 
No more than five class absences will be tolerated 
It is expected that you will be ready to work at the start of each class.
Any 2 latenesses will be considered to be equal to 1 absence.



Academic Integrity Standards 

Students and all others who work with information, ideas, texts, images, music, inventions, and other intellectual property owe their audience and sources accuracy and honesty in using, crediting, and citing sources. As a community of intellectual and professional workers, the College recognizes its responsibility for providing instruction in information literacy and academic integrity, offering models of good practice, and responding vigilantly and appropriately to infractions of academic integrity. Accordingly, academic dishonesty is prohibited in The City University of New York and at New York City College of Technology and is punishable by penalties, including failing grades, suspension, and expulsion.

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