Class 27

Class Info

  • Class Date: Mon. May 13



Type Challenge Color

Page 1 Your color texture poster

Page 2 Duplicate your layout

  1. Invert all colors using complementary colors try Canva color wheel or adobe
  3. Page 3 – Duplicate that page
  4. Analagous colors
  5. Page 4 – Duplicate that page
  6. Then desaturate all colors 50% use transparency tool in InDesign
  7. Page 5 – Duplicate that page
  8. Outline text explore textures textures – some on Dropbox
  9. Take your Grid and Hierarchy poster explore color ( and texture if you have time, try complementary colors, analogous colors
  10. Upload Multipage PDF to Dropbox Type Challenge folder – Lastname Firstname TC-C2

Dropbox Homework Folder to upload homeworks
Dropbox Folder to upload Type Challenges
Dropbox Folder to Upload Final Projects
Dropbox help

To-Do After Class

Refine all of you posters Upload one multi page PDF file with Grid, Hierarchy, Color Poster “lastname first name P3-posters All_1”
A. One doc with Grids and guide visible and

B. One without grids and guides

Upload to Dropbox Homework Folder

2. Project 3 Part 2 – After Effects

Watch another video on the course After Effects resource page

3. Check where you are with the Final Found Alphabet See Final deliverables
You will use images from your type walk and any you need to find


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