Class 25

Class Info

  • Class Date: Mon. May 6
  • Continue Posters.
  • Look at sketches and determine which are the best solutions For poster 2
  • Translate our sketches to actual designs.



Type challenge Poster 2 Hierarchy

  • Create NEW Document:
    • 2-page document
    • size 11 x 17 inches
    • 3 pica margin all around
    • 24 columns /
    • 24 horizontal rows /
      • GO to LAYOUT>CREATE GUIDES>ADD the rows and gutter> OPTIONS>from margin
  • Specs:
    • Page 1select a typogaphic solution from this page
    • PAge 2
      One with scale and repetition as primary Hierarchy principles
    • Use type only 
    • One typefaces max. (but with extensive families ok)
    • Black, and White
    • Do not align ANYTHING to the margins, no centering vary your usage of grid
    • You can bleed off page as well
    • Emphasize your visual hierarchy
      • Emphasize contrast with scale (something must be BIG, something must be small)

Create 2 different designs (2 layouts following the same grid) upload one multiple page PDF named
Lastname_Firstname- TC- H2

Upload to Dropbox Type challenge folder

DIscuss Found Alphabet

Dropbox Homework Folder to upload homeworks
Dropbox Folder to upload Type Challenges
Dropbox Folder to Upload Final Projects
Dropbox help

  • Look at sample below with complete process:
Slider image

Project 3 process

Slider image
Slider image

To-Do After Class

  • DUE Next class:
    • 1. Complete two different layouts for you Hierarchy Poster in InDesign
      These will have the same grid and the same contents, but completely different layouts
    • Once completed save your InDesign files as a PDF must show the guides.
    • Upload to Dropbox
    • name your files:

  • 2. Finalize Your Grid poster One layout
  • No centering, do not fill content to margins. Only two elements can touch margins
  • You must us grid for placement of all elements in some way, if not will be an F
  • Name file lastname firstname p3-p1FINAL
  • Upload to Final Project folder Dropbox

Dropbox Homework Folder to upload homeworks
Dropbox Folder to upload Type Challenges
Dropbox Folder to Upload Final Projects
Dropbox help


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