Class 23

  • Class Date: Wed. Apr. 17
  • Apr. 22 – Apr. 30 Spring Break No Classes


  • Translate text to actual designs (typeface selection, use of grid, visual hierarchy).


Poster /hierarchy Type challenge

Upload PDF grids guides showing- lastfirstname-TC_GR.pdf

Baseline grid

Now that we have the grid and content of your poster, it is time to design

  • Create NEW Document:
    • 2-page document no facing pages
    • size 11 x 17 inches
    • 3 pica margin all around
    • 24×24 grid
    • one golden ratio grid
    • draw a 11″ wide by .25″ h box
    • in W type in back slash 1.618 this will give you the golden ratio for width do the same for height
    • Upload PDF grids guides showing- lastfirstname-TC_GR.pdf

    • Text
  • Pet Peeve
  • Too much homework
  • noun: homework schoolwork that a student is required to do at home. Work or study done in preparation for a certain event or situation
  • Between housework, work work, family commitments , there are too many things to do, and not enough time to find that mythical balance.

  • Specs:
    • Create 2 different designs (2 layouts following the same grid)
    • Use type only 
    • Black and White
    • Follow the grid
    • Emphasize your visual hierarchy
      • Emphasize contrast with scale (something must be BIG, something must be small)
    • Must consider and apply what was previously covered in class: Type selection and variations, alignment, word and letter spacing, line height, expression, etc.

name file lastname first name TC p3 grid

Export as PDF with grids and guides showing upload to drop box Type challenge

Project 3 process

  • Look at sample below with complete process:
Slider image


Slider image
Slider image

LinkedIn Learning

LinkedIn Learning, formerly known as, is an online educational site that features thousands of courses and video tutorials where you can discover, complete, and track courses related to your field and interests. Users will need to create accounts

To-Do After Class


1. Project 3

A. Two Dynamic typographic poster design images uploaded to OpenLab media library take examples from this site

2. Generate  your pet peeve text for poster Project

In preparation to our next assignments (a series of posters), we will need to collect some text

Posters must include the following text:


• Pet Peeve

• definition- a pet peeve as a frequent subject of complaint

• Title of your Pet Peeve •

Your paragraph explaining your pet peeve


FYI: What is a pet-peeve?

  • a particular and often continual annoyance a frequent subject of complaint a peeve is an annoyance, and a pet peeve is an annoyance that’s nurtured like a pet — it’s something someone can never resist complaining about. There are all kinds of pet peeves, like littering, misusing punctuation, driving slowly in the fast lane, or talking during movies. If something like that drives you crazy and you have to yap about it, it’s a pet peeve.

3. Create 2 layouts ( not the Type challenge

  • Complete two different layouts in InDesign
    These will have the same grid and the same Pet Peeve text content, but completely different layouts. YOU MUST FOLLOW THE GRID with you elements
  • 11×17 black and white only type
  • Once completed save your InDesign files.
  • Export as PDF with grids and guides showing upload to drop box homework
  • name your files:


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