Class 22

Class Info

  • Class Date: Mon. Apr. 15


Final Project 2


The typographical grid. Project 3

A grid is a system of vertical and horizontal guides used for the organization of a layout. Grids are used in graphic and web design.

Quick Reference PDF: The Grid

The Typographical Grid Resources

Grid Lecture PDF

Google Drive Grid


  • Understanding the parts of grid:
    • Margins
    • Columns and rows
    • gutters (vertical and horizontal)
    • modules and spacial zones
  • Students develop understanding of organization in design
  • The Posters:
  • The Typographical Grid poster 1 initial layout with your text
    • 11×17
    • utilizing the grid
  • Posters must be 11×17 and include the following text:
  • • Pet Peeve
  • • definition- a pet peeve as a frequent subject of complaint
  • • Title of your Pet Peeve •
  • Your paragraph explaining your pet peeve

In Class reviews

OPTIONAL Type Challenge

Intro to project 3 | Part 1. Posters Series

To-Do After Class

Project 2 – Part 1,2 – FINAL DUE CLASS 23

  • Make all corrections and edits
    • 11×8.5 InDesign Document
    • .5 margins all around (see below for additional measurements
    • A 2 PAGE PDF
    • final versions of the four words (expressive type assignment)
    • final version of Branding
    • include an initial sketch the final and placement into dimensions
  • export both as JPG and one multipage PDF
  • named last Name_firstname Project 2 final
  • Upload to Files in the Dropbox HOMEWORK FOLDER NOT to A SUB FOLDER

2. Type Walk Due Class 23

Take a Walk -Literally

Pick a street  – walk a half a mile (or more)

Take pictures of all signage and branding  of stores/signage branding /building addresses etc. as you go.

Get it all, the good, bad and ugly

Create  an InDesign document with two images per page or

you can use this InDesign on Dropbox document to place your images

link to template file is here

First three pages


Page 1 One  with best concept and one with the worst

Page 2 One  with best use of typography and one with the worst

Page 3 One with best use of color and one with the worst

The following pages should have two images per page

should be at least 20 pages

Optional extra credit

1. Project 3

A. Two Dynamic typographic poster design images uploaded to OpenLAb media library take examples from this site

B. Generate  your pet peeve text for poster Project

In preparation to our next assignments (a series of posters), we will need to collect some text

Posters must include the following text:

• Pet Peeve

• definition- a pet peeve as a frequent subject of complaint

• Title of your Pet Peeve •

Your paragraph explaining your pet peeve

  • Do not design anything at this point. We are just collecting text,

FYI: What is a pet-peeve?

  • a particular and often continual annoyance a frequent subject of complaint a peeve is an annoyance, and a pet peeve is an annoyance that’s nurtured like a pet — it’s something someone can never resist complaining about. There are all kinds of pet peeves, like littering, misusing punctuation, driving slowly in the fast lane, or talking during movies. If something like that drives you crazy and you have to yap about it, it’s a pet peeve.

C. Make 11×17 doc in InDesign   INSERT your text

2. Type Walk Branding Upload

spec here. Upload a pdf lastname first name Type Walk to Drop box Homeworks Folder

Project 3 Posters Series Information

This example shows sketching on the actual grid. Might be helpful to keep proportion and to think of exact grid placement of elements

The Posters:

  • The Typographical Grid poster 1 initial layout with your text
    • 11×17
    • utilizing the grid

Posters must be 11×17 and include the following text:

• Pet Peeve

• definition- a pet peeve as a frequent subject of complaint

• Title of your Pet Peeve •

Your paragraph explaining your pet peeve

Dropbox Homework Folder to upload homeworks
Dropbox Folder to upload Type Challenges
Dropbox Folder to Upload Final Projects
Dropbox help

Optional extra credit

Type Talk Discussion – Type Talk Anja Kaiser

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