Class 05

Class Info

  • Class Date: Weds. Feb. 14


Project 1: Continue Type Book: Basic Type Anatomy

Page basic typography terminology


  • Learn basic type terminology:  
    Baseline/capline/meanline/xheight/lowercase/uppercase/ serif/ascender and ascender line/ descender and descender line/counter/serif or sans serif
  • How understanding these terms and their specific visual characteristics will aid in the selection of typefaces and overall design compositions.
  • Continue page setup Indesign


Then identify the following terms:

Baseline/capline/xheight/lowercase/uppercase/ serif/ascender and ascender line/ descender and descender line/counter/serif or sans serif

Refer to this PDF with assignment details

Course Anatomy page with other Anatomy refererence
Upload PDF before end of class

“Lastname first name TypeBook anatomy

To-Do After Class

1. Type Book page Anatomy- Complete Vocabulary (Anatomy) page that was started during class: Type Book 2a Assignment – Upload a pdf to Dropbox Homework folder
name it: name “Last name first name Type Book 2 Anatomy.pdf”

2.  Print out this file: Type Book 02a Anatomy_definitions_exercise, complete it

Bring print  out to next class
3. Bring some tracing paper to class and  a black marker

Dropbox Homework Folder to upload homeworks
Dropbox Folder to upload Type Challenges
Dropbox Folder to Upload Final Projects
Dropbox help

Assignments are always due the day before next class by 11:30pm, and must be posted to OpenLab or uploaded as instructed

. Create your Found alphabet post and insert 5 images of letters (we will do next class)
EXAMPLE and project specs here 


Print this page

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