Assignment – Type Walk

Smith Street Type walk

Take a Walk -Literally

Pick a street  – walk about half a mile; walk up one side down the other or what ever works for you

Take pictures of store/signage branding /building addresses etc. as you go.

Get it all, the good, bad and ugly

Create  an InDesign document with two images per page or

you can use this InDesign document to place your images

First three pages


Page 1 One  with best concept and one with the worst

Page 2 One  with best use of typography and one with the worst

Page 3 One with best use of color and one with the worst

The following pages should have two images per page

should be at least 20 pages

UPLOAD to Homework folder on Drop Box

If using HEIC. Convert to jpg online

Links to an external site.

or options here

Links to an external site.

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