Class 18

Class Info

  • Class Date: Mon. Apr. 1



Project 2 Part 2 Expressive Lettering

• General Specs: 
◦ Create a one of a kind representation (with letters) of your favorite pastime or favorite food
◦ Sketch, research and write your ideas FIRST
◦ Use pencil when sketching, but keep in mind that for the next steps experimental use of material and technique ok: paper/collage, paints, photography, etc. Technique and application is up to you.
• Understand the difference between lettering and creative typography with a typeface.
• Understand lettering as it applies to branding, packaging, logotype designs and others areas.
• Explore typographical experimentation.


Students develop individual styles.



FELIX Pfaffli

Cooper Hewitt Poster exhibit

Type challenges due by end of class time

Type Challenge Illustrator

Type Challenge Illustrator Extrude Inflate

Illustrator User guide here

Optional extra credit option for homework

Type Challenge – Expressive Lettering

To-Do After Class

Final Layout Part 1

  • final versions of the four words (expressive type assignment)
  • Make all corrections and edits
  • 11×8.5 InDesign Document
  • .5 margins all around (see below for additional measurements
  • Create InDesign page in format below placed your finals into file.
  • export as both JPG and PDF named last Name_firstname Project _A final
  • Upload to Dropbox Final Project Folder
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is four_words_final_size-1024x746.png

Project 2 Part 2 Branding –– Choose a word of your favorite food or a favorite pastime such as listening to music, watching videos, playing a sport, etc. Start gathering info mood board on pinterest

Project 2 Part 2 Expressive Lettering

  1. Sketch at least 6 different solutions.
  2. lLook at research page you will be dong research on you topic due in two classes

Example: Vary your ideas and styles when sketching:


  1. Optional extra credit option for homework

Type Challenge – Expressive Lettering
If you want to start

Dropbox Homework Folder to upload homeworks
Dropbox Folder to upload Type Challenges
Dropbox Folder to Upload Final Projects
Dropbox help

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