Class 16

Class Info

Mon. Mar. 25


Class Info


Project 2 Specifications

Type Challenge Tools
Create a new document in Illustrator

Type challenge Concept sketches

you will refine your homework sketches one concept sketch per word in class 1 hour= Deliverable create a folder in Dropbox Type Challenge

last name first name TC P1-2 Skecth

To explore further optional work

  • Discussions

Found Alphabet post


  • Expressive Type

Depero Futurista Expressive Type

To-Do After Class

  • Refine Project 2 Part 1 Expressive Type
    • Refine based on crit
    • use , Illustrator
    • Upload file to Dropbox
    • General Specs: 
    • 4 art boards (one for each word)
    • Size: 3.5” x 3.5”  square 
    • Add a 1 pt outline (border around the square)
    • Select one Sans Serif Typeface per word
    • Only use black and white.

Type Talk Discussion – Rocco Pistcatello


Dropbox Homework Folder to upload homeworks
Dropbox Folder to upload Type Challenges
Dropbox Folder to Upload Final Projects
Dropbox help

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