Class 14

Class Info

  • Class Date: Mon. Mar. 18


Name That Type

Project 1


  1. Submitted via DropBox Projects FOLDER
    Package your InDesign file
    Upload the complete packaged folder of your InDesign doc
  2. Create a post on OpenLab named lastname firstname_Typebook
    Categories “Student work” and Project 1
    Upload one Multi page PDF version of your Type Book named lastname firstnname_Typebook FINAL

Expressive Type Cover Challenge

TYpe Book Cover studies

You will create three cover studies in class.

Duplicate your Type Book file

Insert four pages into you document using one of your parent pages with one of the grid options you created

Insert four pages Use the text for your typebook cover black and white

one sans serif typeface

  1. Page One: Use scale as the design principle to make your layout
  2. Page Two: Use repetition
  3. Page Three: Use one of the examples in this document to create a layout
  4. 4. Upload a PDF lastname first name-TC-Cover

Typographic Dante.pdf


Discussion Project 2 Expressive Typography

  • An introduction to Expressive Typography
    • Name That Type
    • Brainstorm four words to look up

Typographic Dante Expressive Typography

Typographic Dante.pdf

Part 1 . Expressive Typography:
Communicating the meaning of a word via typography

Project 2 – Part 1 Expressive Typography:

Introduction to Project 2: We will explore the use of type as expression by working on a multi part project that will include expressive type with an existing typeface and also lettering.

  1. Please see this Quick Reference PDF with Expressive Type/Lettering Basic Info

To Do After Class

  • Project 1 Type Book FINAL Due Next class
  • Deliverables
  • Submitted via DropBox PROJECTS FOLDER
    Package your InDesign file
    Upload the complete packaged folder of your InDesign doc
  • Create a post on OpenLab named lastname firstname_Typebook
    Categories “Student work” and Project 1
    Upload one Multi page PDF version of your Type Book named lastname firstnname_Typebook FINAL
  • Review content of book for submission
  • Design Continuity (uniformity of headings, margins, color, etc)
  • Packaging a file
A folder will be created and will include: Indesign Files, PDF, Fonts and Links

Project 1: Type Book COVER
Project 1: Type Book– Anatomy of Letterform Diagram with labels for parts of each letter. (One Page)
Project 1: TypeBook – 5 found type five photos Classification of Letterforms (One Page)
Project 1: TypeBook– Kerning and Tracking (One Page)
Project 1: TypeBook– Variations (One Page)
Project 1: TypeBook Leading (One Page)
Project 1: TypeBook Alignment (Two Pages)
Project 1: TypeBook_Classification of Type Styles Alignment Typesetting (Five Pages)
Poject 1: TypeBook – Drop cap (Two Pages)
Project 1: TypeBook_06 Type on a path (One Page)

  • Submitted via Class Dropbox Final Project Folder
  • Dropbox Folder to Upload Final Projects
    Package your Indesign file
    Upload folder of packaged’ file of your Document
    Named ‘lastname firstnname_Typebook_FINAL’ into:


2. OPTIONAL. Project 2 Expressive Type

  1. Select the four words
  2. focus / confusing / shrink / extravagant / sinking / tired / divided / strong / damaged / cheer / fading / drip / dismantle / omission / fast / slow / amplifying / flying / pouring / random / celebration / squeeze / giant / cracked / windy / tumble / floating
  3. Look up the definition of your selected words (even if you know the meaning, researching their definition can sometimes help you generate ideas). create a page with the text definitions
  4. Sketch your word in creatives way (Sans Serif typeface only). Use a square area to sketch your words.
    Sketch WITH INTENTION and PURPOSE (not just placement).
    If it is to be outlined, then sketch it that way. 
    If it is to be condensed or bold, then sketch it that way
  5. Consider: scale, repetition, overlapping, removal, uppercase, lowercase, etc. to create a visual definition of the word.
  6. ADD your thoughts (thinking bold next to light, words
  7. Avoid using horizontal and vertical scaling.
  8. Do not add ANY illustrations. You are not drawing, but conveying the meaning of the word with the SANS serif typeface.
  9. Bring sketch materials to class: paper, marker or pencil to brainstorm in class

Sketch templates

COMD1127_model_assignment_expressive_step1 Download




Expressive Type Documents

QR_COMD1127_model_expressivetype Download

COMD1127_model_assignment_expressive_step1 Download





A. Expressive Type Examples

B. Expressive Lettering Examples

Dropbox Homework Folder to upload homeworks
Dropbox Folder to upload Type Challenges
Dropbox Folder to Upload Final Projects
Dropbox help


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