
Welcome to Type and Media, a typography foundation course. In Type and Media we will work together to explore the principles of type design through online exercises, discussions, assignments and projects. Please take some time to explore this OpenLab course site. Use the top menu bar to explore the course information, activities, and help.

Faculty Information
Office Hour Mondays & Wednesdays • 11:00AM-11:30AM

Contact Information

Class Meetings

Faculty Information
Office Hour Mondays & Wednesdays • 11:00AM-11:30AM

Contact Information

Course Information

Course Number: COMD1127

Section: D036

Course Title: Type and Media

Course Description: Foundation course in typography with emphasis on using type for a multiple of industry related applications ranging from print to interactive. Students are introduced to principles of type design and terminology including: variations of type structure, anatomy, font usage, grid, leading, kerning, tracking and alignment

Credits / Hours: 1 cl hr, 5 lab hrs, 3 cr

Pre/Co-requisites: CUNY proficiency in reading, writing and mathematics or concurrent enrollment in ENG 092R, ESOL 022R or 032R; ENG 092W, ESOL 021W, or ESOL 031W; MAT 0630 or MAT 0650 as required

Student Survey ( Only Instructor Will See Reponses)

  • *Required

Technology Requirements

  • Tech Check Page


Add a schedule of topics to be covered. Include a detailed schedule on the Schedule page.

Grading Policy

40% — Main projects and their presentations
30% — Assignments -homework
30% — Class Activities/Discussions/Participation
The detailed grading policy can be found on the Grading Policy page.

Course Activities

  • Projects – 3-4 main projects supported by homework assignments
  • Homework Assignments – Inserted in the the class pages on site.
  • Type Challenges – Design assignments and discussions completed with time constraints during class or as specified.
  • Type Talk Discussions – Discussion, comments, critiques, opinions on type throughout the semester
  • Name That Type Discussions – Students will comment in live class discussions
  • Found Alphabet Typography Discussions – Weekly image posts of  alphabet letters,numbers 1-9 ,0  and comments Final  Due  last class Upload a compiled PDF

Course Projects

Course Resources

Materials /Supplies

  • Computer with internet access and Adobe CC.
  • Cloud storage and Flash drive (any storage for your files)
  • Sketchbook for notes, ideas, process / pencils
  • Approximately $60 misc expenses (cloud, printing, art materials, etc)

Faculty Information
Office Hour Mondays & Wednesdays • 11:00AM-11:30AM

Contact Information

Faculty Information
Office Hour Mondays & Wednesdays • 11:00AM-11:30AM

Contact Information