Project 4

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Typography in Motion

Select a short quote that you will  animate using either InDesign or  Photoshop 

Uploads of final type in motion files and PDF of casebook; explain your work; research and concept as related to research and your design choices.

Type Research:

Find examples of motion typography
Select a short quote you will animate sample you could choose from follow
Start concept sketches
Bring examples, concept sketch and any  native files to class


I. Bring ALL native files to class

You will work in class to refine project. Bring  file as well as your casebook native files. Y

II. Upload to  Google Drive Project 4 Folder

A. Create  a NEW FOLDER
your  “Lastname_FirstName_Project 4”

B. Final version of your type in motion project
Name file:  “lastname_firstname_p4.swf” or  “lastname_firstname_p4.html”  “lastname_firstname_p4gif”
C. A Digital Casebook File
For this project you will ONLY upload a digital casebook. With all related materials: page one; brief description page two; final concept board, concept sketches, reference etc.  Document does not have to be a designed document but should reflect your design process. Must be saved as  a PDF.
Name Casebook  file:  “lastname_firstname_pcb_4.PDF”


Design Process

The animation should be no shorter than 15 seconds and no longer than 60 seconds.

The first step rough sketch or storyboard a sequence of panels showing main steps. You are showing what is going to happen in main steps. The drawings don’t have to be great, just clear.

Create the artwork for the steps that is to be animated.

Use  InDesign  or Photoshop

I. Research & Discovery
Reference: Do online research
Get a job folder to  place all research, sketches reference and related items.

II. Storyboarding and Conceptualizing
Do a brainstorming activity and idea to generate ideas for your design concept. Using your research, graphic and conceptual sources, begin designing.
Create concepts. These should be quick sketches that highlight a concept/idea.

Design Resources


Creative Brief Sample


Class Pintrest Page

Related Videos

Word as Image

Vimeo Type

Kinetic type Channel

Art of the Movie Title

Kinetic Type Examples

Day O Kinetic




Kinetic Typography Resources


Animation InDesign

InDesign basics

InDesign: Creating Animations


Animated GIF  Photoshop

Fade in/out GIF
fadein out animated GIF

Animated Loading GIFs

Animated GIF  Tween


play list  animation  Brooklyn Public Library







choose from or select your own


“I can, therefore I am.” » Simone Weil

Write something worth reading or do something worth writing.
Benjamin Franklin

Be the exception

Well done is better than well said
Benjamin Franklin

I walk slowly but I never walk backwards
Abraham Lincoln

“I hear and I forget, I see and I remember. I do and I understand.”

“Wherever you go, go with all your heart.” » Confucius

“Everything you can imagine is real.” » Pablo Picasso

“Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” » Theodore Roosevelt

“Eighty percent of success is showing up.” » Woody Allen

“Never, never, never give up.” » Winston Churchill

“The best revenge is massive success.” » Frank Sinatra

“If you dream it, you can do it.” » Walt Disney


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