Type Challenge

Type Challenge 2

Due at the end of class time uploadedĀ  to OpenLab

1. PickĀ  theĀ  (bad) logotypeĀ  you selected for this week’s homework

Create a version that improves the logotype’s design.
Explore scale, contrast. repetitions. Black and white.

You can sketch firstĀ  if you would like

2 Use InDesign, Illustrator, PS create a document
export it as jpg
ā€œlast name_Firstname_typeC2.jpgā€ 3. Save your work to class WP page named:
Firstname last name Type Challenge 2
Give it Category ā€œType Challenge2ā€
insert jpg ā€œlast name_Firstname_typeC2.jpgā€

Ā  Keep In Mind the principles below:

Logotype design principles
Remember, less is more.
This is one thing to keep in mind when creating a logo. Know your message. Tell your message in a focused and clear concept. Make it simple and clean. Do not distract with unnecessary elements. A good logo possesses few elements which are integral to the message.
Your target audience will an important role to play in creating your logo. Logos need to be appropriate for its audience. For instance, the color or font type used in creating a logo for a childrenā€™s store will be inappropriate if used to create a logo for a bank.
Your logo needs to be appropriate for its purpose. Take for example , the Walt Disney logo is beautiful. However, it is beautiful for its audience but highly inappropriate for as a bank logo.
A logo should be more than graphic design. It serves as your identity, and symbolizes all that it stands for. It is your brand in design. When people forget your logo, they most likely have forgotten you.
Trends come and go. Donā€™t follow the pack. Stand out.
Trends are trends. As a brand, you want your logo to stand out all day every day. As a brand you want your logo to stand the test of time. Pay attention to the font type, shape, balance of specific elements and capture the relevant features.



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