Assignment 6-Project 2 Final


Project 2: FINAL

Typographic Poster
Brooklyn Historical Society, DUMBO

Goal: Increase attendance at programs and exhibits
Develop a poster for BHS, It should consist of typography as the main design element.

Students who meet all final requirements and specifications to this project will be placed in the

Project OpenLab site

 Creative brief

Final Deliverable

Students who meet all final requirements and specification to this project will be placed in the Project OpenLab site

Final version of your poster assignment.

You will fully refine your concept, print out mount and present to the class.

If you would like to send me something to review or there are any questions email me.

You will be graded on:
presentation, typography, design, technique and following below instructions


A. Required for Project Presentation

A. Presentation

Present your layout and description. Explain your work; research and concept and your design choices.
I. Output Final Size 11×17 can be color or black & white mounted on 15×20 black board.

II. Written Project Brief Two Copies: Create a written description of your project. Mount to back of board.

III. Your physical job folder with all related materials: brief, concept sketches, reference etc.

B. Uploads

B. Uploads To Class Openlab Site:

I. Create Blog Post With Category Project 2
Name Project Post: “lastname firstname project 2”

II. Insert Single Image File Of Final Layout Saved as  .jpg
Name Layout File: “lastname_firstname_p2.jpg”

III. Insert Your Digital Casebook. Must be saved as PDF. This is a file with all related materials: page one; brief description page two; final layout, then, concept sketches, reference etc. Document does not have to be a designed document but should reflect your design process.
Name Casebook File: “lastname_firstname_pcb_2.PDF”

C. Production

I. Color print out of your project mounted on board. Final Size 11×17 can be color or black and white.

II. Black matt board 15×20
Xacto knife
Metal edge ruler
Spray mount

III. Written Project Brief, Two Copies. Create a written description on your project. Include your name, project name, goals , concept and explain your solution Print out 8.5×11. Mount to back of mat board and have one extra print out.

IV. Your Job folder with layout, brief description, concept sketches, design work, research and reference.



Class Pintrest Pages

Typography Poster Designs
Brooklyn Historical Society




1 thought on “Assignment 6-Project 2 Final

  1. Pingback: Assignments | COMD2427Typographic Design III D212 Fall18

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