Today, many individuals and corporations are being  attacked constantly on their reputations and honesty due to fabricated fake videos. Those fake videos are called “Deepfake” which are generated by artificial intelligence to show people doing and saying things that they never did or said.  Although this deepfake technology was developed for entertainment purposes like lip-sync in movie dubbing, nowadays it is widely used everywhere from manipulating political agendas to harming personal reputation . Since Deepfakes can have numerous immediate effects on social media platforms, media outlets and governments,  they can cause or bring huge catastrophes in personal life, family, society and nations. So as a moral person, if we overlook this issue of misinformation in today’s world someday it could become the most threatening reason to cause turbulence in the world.

Deepfakes Neural Network

Deepfake first started in pornography on the platform Reddit where an anonymous user posted videos in 2017 that featured famous actresses’ faces on other women’s bodies. Then this trend of deepfake continues to grow significantly bringing problem to huge catastrophes in personal life, family, society and nations.

Generally, deepfakes are done with face swapping and facial reenactment technology. Face swapping is a method that can replace the face in an image with the same facial shape and features as the face being implemented. Facial reenactment is a method that can manipulate certain facial attributes and reenact reactions with deep learning methods.