Welcome to our Collaborative Project on “The Effects of Deepfakes and How We Mitigate Them”.
Here, you’ll discover what deepfakes are. You’ll also see how deepfakes have impacted our lives, and the detrimental effects that we could be facing in the future. You’ll also find potential solutions that can help mitigate the problems being propped up.
Here’s a link to our technical report report.
Today, many individuals and corporations are being attacked constantly on their reputations and honesty due to fabricated fake videos. Those fake videos are called “Deepfake” Read more…
Deepfakes Vs the Public
To gauge how believable these videos can be we conducted an experiment posed as a survey. We used a video created by artists Bill Posters and Daniel Howe which Read more…
The Political Deepfakes
Nowadays, there are many fears about deepfakes being used in politics. In a journal by Andrew Ray published by the University of New South Wales Law Journal Read more…
Legislative Solutions
Currently, there are many loop holes in the laws that do not address the whole issues of deepfakes. Without strict laws and legislations Read more…
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