I learned about the Growth Initiative through an on-campus information session hosted by the founder and team of 100 Roses from Concrete. I don’t remember it being widely advertised within our major other than a television spot for the info session in the pearl building, but I was on-campus and decided to take the opportunity to learn about these mysterious people in the building. After going through a few minutes of their presentation about their mission to create an equitable advertising landscape for people of color, presented by people of color, I immediately resonated with their cause and wanted to learn more about the advertising industry through their program.
The deadline to apply was only a few days away from that point, however, I was driven to take advantage of this opportunity for my summer internship. I had minimal difficulty preparing my application since I had already had a portfolio website, & a few connections to reach out for recommendation letters. The most difficult parts of the application were undoubtedly the short answer questions. I had difficulty finding succinct and insightful answers that would both fit the word limit and relate to the theme of 100 Roses from Concrete.
After I had passed the application portion, I had been informed that I was moving on to the interview portion of the application process. The group interview was relaxed and interpersonal despite it being over zoom. After acing the interview, I got an email a few days later that I had been accepted to the program!