Day in The Life


A typical workday as a “rose in the garden” is for the most part, always changing. In the beginning few weeks of the program, in-zoom conversation was reasonably formal and a bit stiff due to the nervousness that dominated the calls. But soon enough, I found my stride putting my ideas and opinions out into the space and realized that there wasn’t anything to be afraid of.

Our Tuesday and Thursday meeting days were much heavier than our Wednesday meetings in terms of teamwork directly toward our client project. Tuesdays were normally client meeting days and Thursdays served as a substitute for when our client was busy tuesday. Wednesdays were reserved for sunnyside chats and other advertising industry professional presentations. So far we’ve had meetings with strategists from META, Intersectionality & Cross-Cultural Dynamics Training, and mentor meetings on wednesdays.

One day I recall was week 2 of the Growth Initiative. Tuesday we had our first ever client meeting. Since this was our initial client meeting, we would need to prepare with questions to get the most information about their brand vision and define their goals with their PSA and organization over the summer. The week and weekend was spent preparing for this meeting through brand research and question brainstorm. As the strategist, my partner and I did heavy research on the nonprofit organization we would be working with, called HBCUs Outside, a nonprofit organization aiming to equitize recreational spaces for HBCU students. Furthermore, we brainstormed questions that would give us information we couldn’t get easily from research. We sent the questions over to the Art direction team two nights before our presentation and I helped finalize the slide deck. I presented part of the slide presentation and recorded our meeting. 

The other days were spent communicating with my team via slack and establishing deadlines for delegated responsibilities. A day can look like, working on strategy pitch 1-4 pm strategy meeting, mod meeting from 5-7 pm, and team meeting from 9-10 pm. 

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