My team consists of two Art Directors, two Copywriters, an Account Manager and Project Manager, another strategist, and one producer. Each role was assigned specific duties to fulfill throughout the entire internship process. Account Managers manage the relationship between the team and the client, Project Managers keep the team on top of deadlines, Art Directors manage slide decks, and the visual aesthetic of the entire project, Copywriters in charge of making copy & writing scripts, producer in charge of storyboarding, shooting, and editing, and strategy in charge of creating the concept and messaging that will lace the foundation in which the campaign will be built upon. I worked closely with my other strategist and moderators to create a strategy for our client. I also worked with art directors in creating the slide decks for our strategy pitch and rehearsed with the whole team before our pitch meeting.
On Saturday July 8th, our team met in person for the first time all summer to shoot our approved creative concept. We met up at our Account manager’s apartment in Harlem at 8:30 am to shoot the initial scenes of our PSA. We distributed the shotlist between cast members and met up with some of the talent to shoot the indoor scenes. We shot the bedroom and bathroom scenes and I co directed with the producer. I also shot a majority of the indoor scenes and had the experience of operating the on-camera rig. I also got the experience directing talent and operating as a cinematographer. After we got the indoor scenes we relocated to the nearest park that we had previously scouted. We met up with some other talent for the outdoor scenes, and picked up rented bikes, props, and food for our biking, fishing, and picnic CTA scenes. We got rained on during our shoot and had a chance to work closely with the production moderator that accompanied us in the shoot to create a quick edit to see how our shots to that point flow. We went through the rest of the outdoor scenes after the rain stopped and ended up finishing around 10pm. We also went out to eat afterwards to celebrate our meeting and successful filming.