Team project Check-in 3

We managed to get it done in time. The project was a bit difficult at first but after we got into a roll we were able to get everything done. The hardest part of the project for me personally was getting the spirit guide to take you to the object and find a way to track the object as opposed to a specific position which would make the game a lot harder to modify and play. I got it to work but then i noticed that the collection script was acting up and it was because I had an irrelevant line of code inside that made the compiler stop before it reached the collection part of the script. However, after doing a whole run around and changing a lot of stuff in the project that I thought was the problem, I saw the line and just deleted it in a Hail Mary desperation. It worked and I felt like a dumb dumb doing all that unnecessary work. But it worked and we were able to finish the work.

Team project Check-in 2

We have run into some hiccups for the project and it relates exactly to the same one we had before. We cannot upload the project to the repo. We seem to be getting an error and we now moved to use zip files to share the project but thanks to Jared’s ingenuity, we have found a way to continue working on the project and we are almost done. Jared was able to make an amazing looking fog and to make the terrain viable for us to use. Now it’s my turn to upload the scripts and prepare them to work for our project. I also have to place the objects throughout the project and make sure they can be interacted with by the spirit guide AND the player. As well as make the timers and object count increase.

Team project Check-in 1

The team project went off without a hitch. We all decided relatively fast on what the project would be about. After that we decided to use my project as the foundation of the new team project but mainly in terms of the script and basic plot. We have decided to create a game about a camper stuck in the woods and trying to find his stuff and escape the woods. So far it’s certain that we have this project decided.

Terrain project Check-in 3

This is the final check-in for the terrain project as it is now due and i can definitively say: this was a huge pain in the butt, I managed to make everything I wanted. This is including the collection mechanic, the destroying mechanic, movement mechanic and full build out of terrain. However the same issue I was face long ago still persist. I cannot upload a single thing to the Github repos. I just stopped trying and found a different way to submit the project to my professor. Here’s hoping I did a decent amount of work.

Date: 11/02/20

Terrain project Check-in 2

This is check-in #2 and it has not gotten any better. I’ve been working on multiple terrain projects because I kept running into the same issues every time. I was not able to upload my project to Github, every time I tried it was always an error. That being said, I managed to make the same terrain over and over again so I have gotten a decent amount of practice on the basics of terrain building. Overall, as I predicted, it has been a huge pain in the butt. However, I have gotten a huge amount of practice and learned to focus on the scripts to make them universal so I could save some time when things didn’t work out.

Date: 11/01/20

Terrain project 1st check-in

The terrain project is starting off and I can already tell it’s going to be a pain in the behind. I picked track A. While beginning on the project I was not able to properly install the terrain editor tool and was stuck working with what came in the original unity terrain editor. Aside from that, very few hiccups with building the terrain. That being said, starting was the hardest part because i had no idea what I wanted to build and was fighting for a while.

Date 10/27/20