Thumbnail Sketch

Thumbnail Sketch

According to both books “Design Elements” by Timothy Samara and “Graphic Design The New Basics” by Ellen Lipton, a thumbnail sketch is considered as the most important concept of becoming a successful designer artist. “A graphic designer Assimilates verbal concept and gives them form. Organizes the resulting form into a tangible, navigable, expressed,…” (T. Samara 6). A thumbnail sketch helps designers to develop their ideas in many different ways. The more they do the better they come out with. It helps them to try different ideas at the same time and also to save their ideas when sketching. Perhaps, if they were to start their idea by drawing into the computer system or illustrator, they will not only lose their skills in inviting incurable ideas but the fact that they will confuse themselves by looking at the colors, fonts in early stages. They maybe lose the knowledge of thinking how will the work help their client to be amuse by.

However, for graphics Design especially, I believe it’s more important to have some background knowledge of our clients and where interest comes from, so by sketching ideas about their interests, the designer will develop a fundamental form of getting client need. There are many ways of reaching out those ideas and most of them will be by using the 20 rule of the thumbnail sketches. As a result, having a wide vividly knowledge of all objects and tools of thumbnail sketches,  the designers will option not only personal skills but also figuring out many idea with the visual form of making understand/connections between the clients and the outside world.

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