Movement & Rhythm






All three images shows a great example of movement. They all have a great visual hierarchy. The first and last one are my favoirte ones, they guide the viewer eye in a dimentional way. As my eyes were looking throw them in many ways following their movement, I figure out the use of emphasis. For example, the last one is well in its contrast of color and as I look around I go back to the ball patterns which shows the great use of emphasis. As for the second one it shows a great idea of organic shapes that shows a successful movement with the great balance of figure ground and motion.






Those images are highly strong in making a successful rhythm. They all unique, the repetition, alternation, and tradition are very entertainment. As our eyes looks into each one, we could see the powerful intervals between them. For example, the first one shows an interesting intervals of flowing rhythm, while the second one shows a sequence of geometric shapes that are cahnging in the edges and thats called a progressive rhythm. As for the last one, it shows a regular rhythm because the same element is being repeated over and over. I truly love it!


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