Category Archives: Achievements

Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum

I had an amazing time at the design museum on Monday. We were scheduled to listen to a lecture by Bruce Mau, however he wasn’t able to make it for health related issues. Instead, we were allowed to enjoy the rest of the museum for the night.

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Here’s an awesome photo of me being awesome.

I learned that there are many more strides to be made for technology and design to be mixed into one. I found tons of amazing designs that incorporated awesome technologies. I’m really glad I was able to go there.

A Reflection

These are components of a project that I’ve been working on for the past two weeks:

IMG_2395During this project, I learned that there is no such thing as craftsmanship without time. It is literally impossible to reach anywhere near amazing if you don’t devote time and hard work into your designs. This project in itself wasn’t at all very difficult. However, the difficulty came when I attempted craftsmanship.

IMG_2396This project showed me that difference between completing an assignment and actually designing. I’m really glad that I was given this project and have learned to set aside designated time and effort for any future design processes.




When you actually put time and effort into something you actually start to care about it. It’s a really weird phenomenon to adjust to. But I believe that pride makes me better as a designer in terms of craftsmanship. The more work I put into something the more proud I am of it, and this project helped show me that.