Invited talks
“Medieval Theater Practices.” Post-performance talk for The Amateurs, The Vineyard Theatre, New York, NY, 17 March 2018.
“Theatre, Christianity, and Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure.” Shakespeare Theatre of Washington, D.C., 29 September 2013.
“What it Means to be a Writing Across the Curriculum Fellow.” The Graduate Center, CUNY, New York City, 12 September 2012.
Presented Paper: “New Directions for Research on Puppetry in al-Andalus,” Early European Puppetry Studies Conference, Yale University, October 12-15, 2023.
Chair: “Art in the City II,” “Community and Participation,” and “Sustainability and Resilience,” AMPS Conference: Livable Cities-New York. Brooklyn, New York. June 14-16, 2023.
Chair: “Performing the Global Middle Ages,” at the 57th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, Mich., Online. May 9, 2022.
Convener: “Alternative Medievalisms: Repetitions of the Medieval in Contemporary Performance,” American Society of Theatre, San Diego, Cal., October 29, 2021.
Chair: “Sustainability: Design and Theory,” “Urban Reuse,” and “Art, Literature, and Design,” AMPS Cities in a Changing World, Brooklyn, NY, June 16-18, 2021.
Presented paper: “Enduring Absences: The Architectural Semiotics of Toledo’s Synagogues.” The Breath of All That Lives: New Research in Medieval Jewish Art at the 56th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, Mich. Online. May 11, 2021.
Roundtable Participant: “Open Pedagogy in the Classroom: Theory and Praxis.” 2020 CUE Conference and CUNY OER Showcase. OER to Open Pedagogy: Teaching and Learning Empowered. Online. October 30, 2020.
Presented Paper: “phusis ex machina: Schickaneder’s Production of Magic Flute at the Freihaus-Theater auf der Wieden, 1791.” Critical Exchange. Puppeteers of America. 2019 National Puppetry Festival. Minneapolis, July 17, 2019.
Chair and Respondent: “Mapping Brooklyn: Digital Tools to Support Place-Based Learning.” 17th Annual CUNY IT Conference, New York, NY, November 30, 2018.
Presented Paper: “Medieval Bodies Matter: A Transhistorical Approach to Spectacular Violence.” American Society for Theatre Research. Atlanta, Georgia, November 2017.
Presented Paper: “Ritual Violence/Theatrical Terminus.” The International Congress on Medieval Studies. Kalamazoo, Mich., May 2017.
Presented Paper: “Transcendental Time, Local Orientation: Future Memory of Salvation in Medieval Religious Performance.” American Society for Theatre Research. Minneapolis, Minn., November 2016.
Chair: “The New World in Performance: Colonial Drama of Los Virreinatos de Nueva España and Perú.” Modern Language Association Annual Convention. Austin, 7-10 January 2016.
Presented Paper: “Celestial Machines of Early Modern Spain.” National Puppetry Festival: Critical Exchange. University of Connecticut, Storrs. 10-14 August, 2015.
Chair: “Broadening the Horizons of Theatre: Geography and Theory.” The International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, Mich., May 2015.
Presented Paper: “An Eidophusikon for King Richard III.” American Society for Theatre Research, Baltimore, November 2014.
Presented Paper: “Peeling the Cosmic Onion: Performance of Universal Divinity in Small Places.” International Federation for Theatre Research, Warwick, U.K., August 1, 2014.
Presented Paper: “Space Objects: Ritual Encounter with Place.” The International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, Mich., May 2014.
Presented Paper: “Amerindians on Display: Spain, 1528.” The Association for Theatre in Higher Education, Orlando, Fl., August 2013.
Presented Paper: “The Admiral of Sackcloth and Cord: Christopher Columbus Performs the End of Times.” The International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, Mich., May 2013.
Presented Paper: “The Miraculous Unveiled: Technology and Wonder in Thirteenth Century Iberia,” American Society for Theatre Research, Nashville, November 2012.
Presented Paper: “Robot Saints: A Provisional Theory of Animated Devotional Objects.” The International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, Mich., May 2012.
Presented Paper: “Puppet, Prop, Sacred Presence: The Virgen de los Reyes of the Seville Cathedral,” Mid-America Theatre Conference, Chicago, March 2012.
Roundtable Participant: “Technology to Teach Writing.” CUNY Ninth Annual IT Conference, Graduate Center, New York City, December 2010.
Presented Paper: “New Terms for the Study of Medieval Performance Objects,” for Revisiting Medieval Performance: Evidence, Theory, Praxis, American Society for Theatre Research, Seattle, November 2010.
Presider: “Alfonso X’s Cantigas de Santa Maria (Performance and Roundtable Discussion).” The International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, Mich., May 2010.
Respondent: “Sights, Sounds, and Species: Performance, Performativity, and the Cantigas de Santa Maria.” The International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, Mich., May 2010.
Presented Paper: “Articulating Statues in Late Medieval Iberia,” Inter-University Medieval Conference, Columbia University, New York, April 2010.
Presented Paper: “Colonial Staging of Alfonso X’s Cantigas de Santa Maria.” The International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, Mich., May 2009.
Chair: “Performing Conquest, Colonization and Resistance in Medieval Europe.” Modern Language Association Annual Convention, San Francisco, December 2008.
Presented Paper: “Concentric Squares: Cosmos and Community in Sixteenth-Century Puebla Missions.” American Society for Theatre Research, Phoenix, November 2007.
Chair: “Intersections of Religion, Performance, and Social Agency, Parts I and II.” The Association for Theatre in Higher Education, New Orleans, July 2007.
Roundtable Participant: “Theories of Religion and Theatre.” The Association for Theatre in Higher Education, New Orleans, July 2007.
Presented Paper: “Pre-Postcolonial Ambivalence: Torres Naharro’s Anti-Generic Comedia Trophea.” The International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, Mich., May 2007.
Presented Paper: “The Sacred Performative: Holy Wednesday and Colonial Ritual/Theatre.” The Association for Theatre in Higher Education, Chicago, July 2006.
Presented Paper: “Containment and Cohabitation: Masculine Bodies in Late Medieval Iberian Procession.” The International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, Mich., May 2006.
Presented Paper: “Early Modern Iberian Penitents and Gender.” Medieval Masculinities, Graduate Center, CUNY, New York City, April 2006.