Fraglight: Shedding Light on Broken Pointcuts in Evolving Aspect-Oriented Software

N921 300 Jay St., Room N921, Brooklyn, NY, United States

Despite providing many benefits, Aspect-Oriented Programming can experience complications as software evolves. Because the paradigm relies on queries over the program’s dynamic execution, certain program changes can adversely effect behavior. Deciding which queries have broken is a daunting venture, especially in large and complex systems. In this talk, Dr. Khatchadourian will present his ongoing, joint work on an automated approach that recommends likely modifications to aspects due to a certain code change. The approach has been implemented as an open-source extension to the popular Mylyn Eclipse Integrated Development Environment plugin, which maintains focused contexts of entities relevant to the task at hand.

Software at Scale

N119 300 Jay St., Room N119, Brooklyn, NY, United States

Can your app handle an appearance on the front page of TechCrunch? In this talk, we'll compare common design patterns and strategies for building software that can scale to millions of users and beyond, such as concurrency, caching, CDNs, compression, immutability, sharding, partial ordering, and read optimization. We'll discuss why the REST paradigm has become such a natural fit for building web and app backend services, as well as how to test your app for scalability so you can be confident that it will survive an unexpected spike in traffic.

More than Words: Advancing Prosodic Analysis

N906 300 Jay St., Room N906, Brooklyn, NY, United States

Understanding prosody is critical to understanding speech communication. Spoken language processing (SLP) technology that approaches human levels of competence will necessarily include automatic analysis of prosody. Despite the importance of prosody in spoken communication, researchers are often unable to reliably incorporate prosodic information into applications. One explanation is a lack of compact, consistent, and universal representations of prosodic information. This talk will describe the state of the art in prosodic analysis and its use in spoken language processing with a focus on the development of new representations of prosody.

Android Apps The Right Way

N906 300 Jay St., Room N906, Brooklyn, NY, United States

"Mobile is eating the world", but few developers realize that mobile software is written very differently from desktop software. This leads to lots of mobile apps that simply don't work well, suck up battery power, or can't recover from being put into the background. I'll discuss a few such apps on the Android platform, and explain how they should have been written to improve user experience, illustrating general mobile development principles by example.