Learning Self-Analysis
Right after I completed my Associate degree, I began to register the bachelor classes in nursing. I knew that I only gained basic knowledge needed to practice. The role of nursing is changing as nurses are far more involved in the welfare of patients and this is placing more responsibility on nurses. It is critical for me to understand how the pursuit of a baccalaureate impacts one’s self-perception as a professional and how it influences an individual’s nursing practice. These learning processes provide a work environment that fosters professional development, knowledge acquisition, and transfer of new knowledge to practice such that patient care is enhanced. My job allows me to continue to attend college classes. Although I have found this challenging at times, it has been a positive experience, which has been making me more determined to study hard. From the beginning of my access course until present, I sacrificed a lot of my free time to ensure my assignments were completed and handed in on time. It has confirmed to me that I am capable of achieving my goals, by sacrificing my down time and working hard. I will continue to study hard and work hard to get the rewards I deserve.