Courses on the OpenLab

2,797 to 2,808 (of 4,425)


Adrian Murcia
Hospitality Man...|HMGT 2402|Fall 2017

Course Description Historical introduction to fermented beverages throughout the world. Study of beverage making and tasting procedures, including jargon particular to the beverage trade. Basic understanding of […]

GOV1101 Am. Govt., FA2018

Peter Parides
Social Science|GOV 1101|Fall 2018

This course will provide a detailed study of the origin and development of America’s unique con- stitutional democracy and its government institutions. It will highlight its origin to the present days, from the […]

IND1112: D103 Engineering Drawing I, Fall 2013

IND1112: D103 Engineering Drawing I, Fall 2013

Masato R. Nakamura, Eng.Sc.D.
Mechanical Engi...|IND1112|Fall 2013

Course Website: Course Profile (this page): Time: W 10:00 – 1 […]

ENG1121 English Composition 2, FA2018 D457

Jessica Penner
English|ENG1121|Fall 2018

This is an advanced course in communication skills, including the expository essay and the research essay. It is expected that students in ENG1121 will: • Read and listen critically and analytically, including i […]

ARTH1100, Fall2018

ARTH1100, Fall2018

Humanities|ARTH1100|Fall 2018

“I went into photography because it seemed like the perfect vehicle for commenting on the madness of today’s existence.” — Robert Mapplethorpe This course surveys the history of photography from its beginni […]

MTEC 1005

Entertainment T...|MTEC1005|Fall 2017

The goal of this course is to let students experiment and create electronic circuits and 3D prints. The class is divided into two main topics: 80% Electronics 20% 3D Printing. Each topic while have several […]

MAT 1375/D565 – Bonanome – Fall 2017

Marianna Bonanome
Mathematics|MAT 1375|Fall 2017

Topics include an in-depth study of functions such as polynomial functions, radical functions, rational functions, trigonometric functions, exponential and logarithmic functions; connections to vectors and complex […]


Frank Corva
English|D862|Fall 2017

The purpose of this course is to provide intensive work on intermediate English language and reading skills necessary for college-level work. This is a second-level reading course, in our three-level sequence. The […]

2016 Fall – MAT 2071 Proofs and Logic – Reitz

Jonas Reitz
Mathematics|MAT 2071|Fall 2016

This course is designed to prepare students for an advanced mathematics curriculum by providing a transition from Calculus to abstract mathematics. The course focuses on the processes of mathematical reasoning, […]

Science Fiction ENG 2420

Science Fiction ENG 2420

Robert Lestón
ENG 2420|Fall 2015

Study of science fiction literature and film, with attention to cultural implications of the genre. Explores the questions science and technology raise about past, present, and future societies. Projects, […]

COMD1340 Photo1, Spring 2019

Prof. Matthew C. Lange
COMD1340|Spring 2019

This course will serve as an introduction to the fundamentals of photography for students in Communication Design. Our curriculum will be based on operating digital SLRs and compact digital cameras, with an […]

Intro to Journalism

Intro to Journalism

Robert Lestón
ENG1151|Spring 2015

Intro to Journalism