CST 3512 HD34 Sp23 – Information and Data Management II (Data Science)
This course is a continuation of CST 2312 Information and Data Management I. This course continues to familiarize students with the informatics and intellectual tools necessary for students to become efficient and […]
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ENVC 1211 Heating Systems Laboratory
A laboratory course in which students learn how to work on oil burners, gas burners, steam and hydronic boilers, draft and combustion efficiency testing, boiler and burner safety and operating controls, reading […]
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MAT1372 Statistics with Probability, FA2022
A 3 credit but 4 hour introductory course. Topics include sample space, expectation and variance, binomial, Poisson, normal, student and chi-square distributions, confidence interval, hypothesis testing, […]
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First part of a two-semester senior design course sequence that introduces programming of embedded systems, research and development methodology, project management, technical writing, […]
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BIO 4250 — Molecular Evolution & Phylogenetics
This course provides students with a broad introduction to the field of molecular evolution and phylogenetics. The first portion of the course focuses on foundational genetic and evolutionary principles, whereas […]
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CST 2410 HD19 Su22 – Introduction to Computer Security (5wks)
This course is an introduction to security issues facing computer professionals today. Students will acquire the knowledge and skills on how to maintain the integrity, authenticity, availability, and privacy of […]
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ARTH1100 History of Photography
Course Description: An introduction to photography as a fine art and communications medium, from the publication of its invention in 1839 to the present, among Western practitioners. Illustrated lectures and […]
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ARTH 1103 Introduction to Art History OER
This OER is for an introduction to art and architecture from ancient to modern times. The art of Western and Eastern cultures is considered.
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Introduction to Human Services 1101 (HUS 1101)
3 cl hrs An overview and introduction to social welfare and human services in the United States. The profession of human services, its knowledge base, values and skills. Major topics covered are historical […]
ENVC 1211 Heating Systems Laboratory
A laboratory course in which students learn how to work on oil burners, gas burners, steam and hydronic boilers, draft and combustion efficiency testing, boiler and burner safety and operating controls, reading […]
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ENT1190 Introduction to Video Technology, Fall 2021
This course will take a comprehensive look at how to produce a video from start to finish. We’ll also explore some key concepts in understanding different styles of filmmaking. We’ll meet together online each […]
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HMGT4901 Restaurant Management
An overview of restaurant concepts, core values and standard operating procedures including financial controls, planning, forecasting, legal compliance, and human resources management. Current trends, marketing […]
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