SECOND CHANCE!! on homework due today (Loving brief)

Esteemed students!

THANK YOU again for your patience during my “technical difficulties” with class this morning.  If you didn’t submit your first draft brief of Loving v. Virginia that was due 9am today (Th. April 8), you get a second chance!  Please email it to me before the end of Friday April 9 so you may earn full credit.  See the “class notes & materials” tab for case briefing resources, including sample briefs.  Use this citation (which we’ll discuss in class Tu. April 13): Loving v. Virginia, 388 U.S. 1 (1967).  Here’s a Word version of the case if you want to download it and “color code” or otherwise mark it for briefing like we did in class!

Thank you again, have a great rest of the week and weekend!

Prof. C.

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