Ethics Question

Practice Question #4

Matthew has to follow UPL rules and regulations and he should legally tell Samantha that he can’t give her the answer to that because he is not an attorney which means he can’t give set out legal fees. Also, he has to state that she has to and should speak to an attorney about her monthly child-support payments.

Post your answer to ethics question HERE! by 8am Tues April 4

Hello Students!  I hope you enjoyed our very “ETHICAL” discussion today. 🙂  By 8am Tuesday, April 4, please read the rest of ch. 4 (pp. 100-118) (in addition to the first part of ch. 4, previously assigned).  Then, on p. 117, choose any ONE of the following questions and answer it in in a “reply” to this post: Ethics Question 1 OR 2, OR Practice Question 4 OR 5!  Be sure to identify which question you are answering!  We’ll discuss your thoughtful responses in Tuesday’s class!


Time Keeping

My day on Monday March 20th, 2023, 3pm-7pm

commuting to class on the subway, .75

waiting in line at coffee shop then walking to school, .25

English class at library, learned about researching using scholarly databases, got sources for an op-ed we have to write. 1.25

took the train back home, .75

picked up a slice of pizza to eat at home, .25

got home, logged onto Blackboard to take my first midterm exam, finished exam. 1.50

Helpful items posted!

Hello Students!

On the “class notes & materials” page, I’ve now posted the answer keys for both of our quizzes near the top of the page, and the notes from today’s discussion of law firm financial procedures (not the exam review!) further down on the page, under today’s date.  I hope you find them helpful in studying for Thursday’s midterm exam.

For the exam, you are welcome to bring and use your paper copies of the maps and charts of the court systems, and a pen, and your big, smart brain.  That’s it!  You won’t need anything else.  Study hard, I look forward to seeing you Thursday!


Francisco’s Timekeeping Post

My Monday evening from 5-9 PM.

Train commute (Q train) to a job interview at Hard Rock Cafe, located in Time Square -0.50

Waited to be interviewed -0.25

Interviewed with the assistant manager Debbie Ann; Talked about my qualifications, availability, and why I’ll be a good candidate -0.25

Walked to the gym; Blink Fitness: Bryant Park, located one block away from Bryant Park -0.25

Took my “Civil Law and Procedure Law” midterm exam; Questions based on chapters 1-5 from “Civil Practice For Paralegals In NYS” -0.75

Workout in the gym; Monday is pull day; Exercise routine for pull day includes the following: Deadlift, pulldown, cable row, facepulls, superset of hammer curl and  dumbbell shrugs, and standing cable curls -1.0

Walked to Starbucks and order a single espresso -0.25

Sat down and read a few pages of the book “The Handmaid’s Tale” by Margaret Atwood -0.25

Commuted back home to Brooklyn by train (Q train) -0.50

Reaction: To me, it’s not a difficult task to keep track of my time on a daily basis.  I plan out my life based on what is going to be, prior the day before.  It makes it easier for me to follow a routine each day.  For example, adding time to go to the gym, while going to school or going to work.  I felt that this sort of planning can help an individual create a routine for their lives.  Hopefully, this sort of timekeeping will help me become a successful paralegal and lawyer in the near future.


June’s Timekeeping Post

How I spent my Saturday 10am-1pm

  • walked to dunkin donuts -0.25
  • ordered my drink and waited  -“0.25”
  • walked to target -“0.25”
  • selected toothpaste, kitty litter and laundry detergent -0.50
  • waited in the self checkout line -“0.25”
  • walked back home -0.50

After this assignment I found it very entertaining since I usually don’t check what I do in a store or anywhere in general so now that I’m checking what time I did a certain thing its sorta fun in a way just to see how long I really took in a place rather than saying I’ve been out for an hour or so.

Ben’s Time keeping post

-Woke up and got ready to go to my 10 am class .50
-walked and took the train to get to class .50
-Got to class and went over review for upcoming civil law and procedure midterm 1.25
-Read my book in the library until my 1pm public speaking class 1.75

I thought the assignment was easy considering it was a pretty normal Monday for me. Also thought it was fun timing myself for the afternoon even though it was my normal Monday routine .

Aliya’s timeskeeping post

How i spent my Monday 9am-10pm

  • woke up and did my morning face routine – 0.25
  • ate breakfast and had some coffee – 0.25
  • took a lyft to queens for my orthodontist appointment – 0.50
  • came back home – 0.75
  • study a bit for my midterm exam for civil law and procedure class – 0.25
  • took the exam – 1.0

My reaction – today was a normal day/Monday for me. Today was a little stressful for me to be honest due to there being traffic and having to make it on time for my test but luckily i made it on time. I was also worried i wouldn’t have time to study for the test as well.

Sana’s Timekeeping Post!

Monday, March 20

Today’s activities:

Prayed 5 prayers (Included washing up before every prayer, and reading Quran) = 1.00

Showered (Included brushing my hair, cleansing my face, and brushing my teeth) = 0.50

Went to Walgreens to grab medicine = 0.75

Took a midday nap = 0.75

Did a Perusall assignment for my English class ( had to annotate at least 4 comments on a play we are reading + make an entry in my writers journal) = 1.0

Study for my midterms ( 1101 and 1103 law midterms. Take notes and review all the notes and readings = 3.0

Todays activities occupied about 7 hours of my time. It was fun to keep track of my time I really got to see how much time it takes to do one simple thing and I was surprised we waste so much time doing basic things in our day to day life without realizing.

Timekeeping-Saturday, March 18, 2023 10am-2pm

Put away groceries that were delivered from Amazon -0.75

Chat with my mum -0.25

Chat with my sister-0.50

Work on my presentation for English Composition-0.50

Go over Midterm review for Philosophy-1.00

Prepared and ate lunch -0.50

Had a much deserved gin and tonic while I watched television-0.50

I thought this was going to be difficult, but it was actually kind of fun to do. Didn’t realize how long it took me to put away the groceries…lol My son and his dad always complain about how long it takes me, but I wipe everything down before I put it away.  I like to get my studying in early so I can then truly relax and indulge for the weekend.  I enjoyed this exercise!