Law in Culture

The source I chose is a documentary titled “The 13th” directed by Ava DuVernay. This project was released on October 7th 2016. The documentary focuses on racism and the prison system affecting Black and Brown People. It also speaks on matters such as Police brutality and misconduct, civil right activists and the constitution etc.

The title is actually referring to the thirteenth amendment in Section 1, “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction”.  There are a lot of cases where people were arrested before identifying if they were innocent or guilty (which the film addresses). In the beginning of the documentary it was said that although slavery was abolished over 150 years ago this issue still exists in the form of mass incarceration. For example after the civil rights movement,  African Americans were getting arrested for “Minor crimes” such as “Loitering and Vagrancy” which led to the prison population increase. It was also stated that “While black men account for some 6.6 percent of the U.S. population, they currently make up 40.2 percent of the prison population”.

Throughout the entire film there were several topics discussed, however they all branch out the main focus which is racism. As mentioned before the documentary speaks about civil right activists and how they were portrayed as “Menaces” for simply standing up for basic human rights. An Educator in the film mentioned how black people travelled and moved to different areas hoping to escape racism from the south but they still faced this oppression because of constant racial profiling/stereotyping. Some of the cases that were mentioned is the Central Park 5, Florida V. Zimmerman, Kalief Browder V. New York, unfortunately these were all cases that included African Americans being targets because of racist stereotypes and Injustice. There are many cases where innocent lives were taken away and imprisoned because of discrimination and false accusations.

This documentary was very informative. This portrayed the legal system accurately because it shown how racism still exists, and how Black and Brown people are most likely to be wrongfully convicted then any other race. They provided us with so much facts and statistics. Guest speakers like teachers and some of the survivors of police brutality, and wrongful convictions took the time to talk about their stories. I learned that there were movements passed by some of the past U.S. presidents that I wasn’t aware of until recently, rarely anyone has mentioned them. I recommend you to watch it because it is very educational.  Watching  documentaries like this makes me want to be something in the legal fields so I can help people who have gone through or are going through these issues.

Link of the Documentary :                (Time 1:40:02)

Ava Duvernay interview on “The 13th” project:   (Time – 13:00)

Reminder: NO class tomorrow! (Tu. Nov. 29)

Hello Students!

I hope you all enjoyed a happy and peaceful Thanksgiving, and relaxing days off from school!  Just a reminder, we will NOT meet tomorrow (Tues. Nov. 29), in place of the court observation that you completed with our group or on your own.  Our next meeting is Thurs. Dec. 1 when we’ll discuss Legal Writing.  In preparation, please read textbook chapter 9, especially pp. 251-260 (on the various types of legal writing).  Please also post your Law in Culture review here on OL before the end of the day on Th. Dec. 1 — review the assignment for requirements!

Finally, if you didn’t already, please contact me to schedule a time to give your “oral presentation” on your court visit, during or before our class on Th. Dec. 8!  This is a required part of the Court Observation assignment that comprises 5% of your course grade.

Enjoy your class-free day tomorrow, see you Thursday!


Donnell Russell sentenced! & some REMINDERS!

Hello Students!

Check out this information on the sentencing of Donnell Russell that we observed last week!  WOW!!  Also, here are a few pre-Thanksgiving reminders!

First, if you attended the court visit with us last Thurs. Nov. 17, please post your response (the Court Observation assignment) as a “reply” to my post below by the end of TODAY (Tu. Nov. 22) to receive full credit!

Second, if you attend our court visit but did not attend today’s class to give your “oral presentation,” please contact me to schedule it for a date prior to Dec. 8!

Third, if you didn’t attend our court visit, please attend a court proceeding on your own and complete the assignment (written summary and oral presentation) by Dec. 8!

Fourth, we will NOT meet Tuesday Nov. 29!  In place of the court observations.

Fifth, your Law in Culture Review assignment is due Thursday, December 1!  Please read, watch, listen to the source you chose, and post your response here on OL!

Sixth, I wish each of you and your families a peaceful and SAFE Thanksgiving and long weekend!  I will give thanks for you this Thursday!



Post your Court Observation assignment HERE!

Hello Students!  Please post your “Court Observation” assignment as a reply to this post!  If you attended our visit to the EDNY on Thursday, Nov. 17, please post it by the start of class Tuesday, Nov. 22.  If will If you attend a court proceeding on your own, please post your response by the start of the next class after your observation.  Please see the assignment for information to include.  It’s OK if you can’t provide all the details requested, particularly if you attended the group visit — tell us as much as you can, but the most important part is your personal reaction to your experience (second to last bullet point).  Please provide lots of detail on that!  I will ask each of you to speak briefly about your experience in class Tues. Nov. 22, or after you complete your own court observation.

Happy observing!  KC

Court visit! This Thursday, Nov. 17!

Hello Students!

Just a reminder, this Thursday, Nov. 17, we have the opportunity to observe a court proceeding at the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York!  You may use this experience as the subject for your Court Observation assignment.  Meet in the department office (N622) at 10am SHARP, where you may lock up your belongings (which we can’t bring into court) and we will leave promptly thereafter!  If you’re under 18, please complete this form and bring it with you!  Paper copies of the form are available in my mailbox in the department office.

I hope to see you Thursday!


QUIZ # 3 now TU. Nov. 15! CHANGE IN PLANS!!

Hello Students!

We have an exciting opportunity to attend a federal criminal trial next Thursday, Nov. 17 at the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York!  We were originally scheduled to take quiz #3 that day, so now we’ll take quiz #3 at the start of our next class, this coming Tues. Nov. 15.  It will cover all topics since the midterm exam: Workings of a Law Office, Ethics & Professional Responsibility; and Sources of Law (chs. 3-5).  Please arrive on time so you don’t miss it!  We’ll also talk about Thursday’s visit to federal court to observe the trial of the “No Love City” Gangster Disciples—you may want to check out these resources about the case: Federal prosecutors’ news release describing the case, this Youtube video, and this information about the presiding judge, Judge William F. Kuntz with whom I used to work.

We’ll also discuss Legal Research and Writing in Tuesday’s class, so please read textbook ch. 7, pp. 175-201, on reserve in the college library.

Enjoy the rest of the week, see you Tuesday at 10am for our QUIZ!



Post response to election news HERE! By 8am Th. Nov. 10

Happy Election Day!

Today (Tu. Nov. 8) is the General Election for several important offices including New York State’s Governor, and all states’ (including NY’s) representatives to the U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives (Congress).  By 8am Th. Nov. 10, please read, watch or listen to any source of news or commentary about the election.  Then post a “reply” to this post in which you (a) identify the title and source of what you read, heard etc. (with a link if possible), (b) write a short summary of what you read, heard, etc., and (c) tell us what YOU thought of it, such as whether you agree or disagree, or any questions or concerns you have, etc.  We’ll discuss them in class!

See you Thursday!



Post answer to ch. 5 question HERE! Due Th. Nov. 10, 8am

Hello students!  In a “reply” to this post, please answer ONE of the following questions at the end of ch. 5 (p. 143): the Ethics Question (there’s only one), OR Practice Question 3, any part (a, b, c, d OR e) OR Practice Question 4, any part (a, b, c, OR d)!  You can use this link to the text of the U.S. Constitution 00 scroll down to find the amendments (including the Bill of Rights).  PLEASE identify what question you are answering, and either rewrite the question, or answer it in complete sentences that show us what the question asked!  For example: “Practice Question 3.a: The amendment that gives US citizens to the right to freedom of the press is the ___ amendment.  The relevant language of that amendment is: ‘Congress shall make no law . . . [fill in the rest]'”  You can use this link to access the text of the

Click “leave a reply” below or the comment bubble above, then write your answer!  Thanks!

Respond to “Sussman v. Grado” case here! For Th. Nov. 3 class.

Hello Students!

For Thursday’s class (Nov. 3), please read this Sussman v. Grado case about a paralegal who engaged in unethical conduct.  Please write a short response to the case in a “reply” to this post.  For example: what did you think of what the paralegal did, and/or the outcome? What surprised you about the case?  What question(s) do you have about it?  Anything at all!  Please demonstrate through your response that you read and thought about the case.  We’ll discuss it at the start of Thursday’s class!

DON’T forget! Answer ch. 4 question by 8am tomorrow!

Hello Students!

GOOD NEWS!! 🙂  We have lots of terrific topics to discuss with guest speaker Vanella Douglas, thanks to your great questions!  BAD NEWS 🙁  We won’t discuss them tomorrow (Tue. Nov. 1) because she had to postpone her visit to next Tue. Nov. 8.  More GOOD NEWS!  You’ve already done the homework assignment for that class!  And if you didn’t, you’ll get another opportunity!

DON’T FORGET!  By 8am tomorrow (Tue. Nov. 1), please read all of textbook ch. 4, both parts linked in the Assignments tab, and choose ONE of the questions identified in my post below, and answer that question in a “reply” to that post, as explained.  Be sure to state what question you are answering!

See you tomorrow!