Course grades POSTED!

Hello Students!

I have posted your final course grades on CUNYfirst.  I have not yet posted them in the Gradebook here on OL, and that Gradebook is not up to date generally.  It will be updated next week.

THANK YOU all for a terrific semester!  I really enjoyed working with each of you and I hope you had a positive experience.  I wish each of you and your families safe and peaceful holidays, and a restful break.  If I can ever be helpful to any of you, in any way, please don’t hesitate to contact me.  I hope to see you all in the New Year!



Final exam grades posted! & last class (Tu Dec 20)

Hello Students!  I hope you had a productive weekend and your end-of-semester activities are progressing well.

Your final exam grades are posted in the “GradeBook” here in OpenLab.  Most of you did terrific!  I’m working on your final course grades and will let you know when those are posted in CUNYfirst.

Tomorrow (Tu. Dec. 20) is our last official class session!  As the syllabus notes, it’s a wrap-up of the course, and a look toward your future in our program.  I’ll be available in our regular classroom with your graded final exams, and candy, and CUPCAKES!  You are welcome to drop by to address topics related to our course or our program, or any other topics you’d like!  You are also welcome to use the time in any way you deem most beneficial at this challenging end-of-semester period.  I will be in the classroom till 10:30am or so, then if no one is there you can find me (and cupcakes!) in the department office, N622.

See you tomorrow, or otherwise soon!



FINAL EXAM!! Thurs. Dec. 15!

Hello Students!

I hope you enjoyed our review exercise today, I did!  You did great!  Just a reminder, our final exam is this coming Thursday, Dec. 15, in our regular classroom, regular class time.  Please bring something to write with, and your big, smart BRAINS!  That’s it!  Please STUDY HARD!!  Especially our past quizzes and exams and class notes (all posted in “Class notes & materials”) and your own notes!  Here are some suggested topics.  Please arrive on time!

Have a pleasant evening, see you Thursday!


Another Federal Court opportunity!

Hello Students!

Federal Judge William Kuntz has invited us to attend a criminal court proceeding in his courtroom at the US District Court for the Eastern District of New York (across the street from City Tech) this coming Thursday, Dec. 8 starting at 3pm!  It will be a conference in the Federal government’s criminal case against Frank James, the accused “subway shooter” who allegedly opened fire on a crowded rush-hour train in the Sunset Park section of Brooklyn back in April.  Among the issues Judge Kuntz will consider is Mr. James’ request to move his trial out of NYC to Chicago, because he does not believe he’ll get a fair trial here.  You can read more about that request in this news article.  This trip is totally optional!  Just if you’re interested.  If you’d like to attend, please email me or let me know in class.

See you tomorrow,


Reminder: NO class tomorrow! (Tu. Nov. 29)

Hello Students!

I hope you all enjoyed a happy and peaceful Thanksgiving, and relaxing days off from school!  Just a reminder, we will NOT meet tomorrow (Tues. Nov. 29), in place of the court observation that you completed with our group or on your own.  Our next meeting is Thurs. Dec. 1 when we’ll discuss Legal Writing.  In preparation, please read textbook chapter 9, especially pp. 251-260 (on the various types of legal writing).  Please also post your Law in Culture review here on OL before the end of the day on Th. Dec. 1 — review the assignment for requirements!

Finally, if you didn’t already, please contact me to schedule a time to give your “oral presentation” on your court visit, during or before our class on Th. Dec. 8!  This is a required part of the Court Observation assignment that comprises 5% of your course grade.

Enjoy your class-free day tomorrow, see you Thursday!


Donnell Russell sentenced! & some REMINDERS!

Hello Students!

Check out this information on the sentencing of Donnell Russell that we observed last week!  WOW!!  Also, here are a few pre-Thanksgiving reminders!

First, if you attended the court visit with us last Thurs. Nov. 17, please post your response (the Court Observation assignment) as a “reply” to my post below by the end of TODAY (Tu. Nov. 22) to receive full credit!

Second, if you attend our court visit but did not attend today’s class to give your “oral presentation,” please contact me to schedule it for a date prior to Dec. 8!

Third, if you didn’t attend our court visit, please attend a court proceeding on your own and complete the assignment (written summary and oral presentation) by Dec. 8!

Fourth, we will NOT meet Tuesday Nov. 29!  In place of the court observations.

Fifth, your Law in Culture Review assignment is due Thursday, December 1!  Please read, watch, listen to the source you chose, and post your response here on OL!

Sixth, I wish each of you and your families a peaceful and SAFE Thanksgiving and long weekend!  I will give thanks for you this Thursday!



Post your Court Observation assignment HERE!

Hello Students!  Please post your “Court Observation” assignment as a reply to this post!  If you attended our visit to the EDNY on Thursday, Nov. 17, please post it by the start of class Tuesday, Nov. 22.  If will If you attend a court proceeding on your own, please post your response by the start of the next class after your observation.  Please see the assignment for information to include.  It’s OK if you can’t provide all the details requested, particularly if you attended the group visit — tell us as much as you can, but the most important part is your personal reaction to your experience (second to last bullet point).  Please provide lots of detail on that!  I will ask each of you to speak briefly about your experience in class Tues. Nov. 22, or after you complete your own court observation.

Happy observing!  KC

Court visit! This Thursday, Nov. 17!

Hello Students!

Just a reminder, this Thursday, Nov. 17, we have the opportunity to observe a court proceeding at the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York!  You may use this experience as the subject for your Court Observation assignment.  Meet in the department office (N622) at 10am SHARP, where you may lock up your belongings (which we can’t bring into court) and we will leave promptly thereafter!  If you’re under 18, please complete this form and bring it with you!  Paper copies of the form are available in my mailbox in the department office.

I hope to see you Thursday!


QUIZ # 3 now TU. Nov. 15! CHANGE IN PLANS!!

Hello Students!

We have an exciting opportunity to attend a federal criminal trial next Thursday, Nov. 17 at the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York!  We were originally scheduled to take quiz #3 that day, so now we’ll take quiz #3 at the start of our next class, this coming Tues. Nov. 15.  It will cover all topics since the midterm exam: Workings of a Law Office, Ethics & Professional Responsibility; and Sources of Law (chs. 3-5).  Please arrive on time so you don’t miss it!  We’ll also talk about Thursday’s visit to federal court to observe the trial of the “No Love City” Gangster Disciples—you may want to check out these resources about the case: Federal prosecutors’ news release describing the case, this Youtube video, and this information about the presiding judge, Judge William F. Kuntz with whom I used to work.

We’ll also discuss Legal Research and Writing in Tuesday’s class, so please read textbook ch. 7, pp. 175-201, on reserve in the college library.

Enjoy the rest of the week, see you Tuesday at 10am for our QUIZ!



Post response to election news HERE! By 8am Th. Nov. 10

Happy Election Day!

Today (Tu. Nov. 8) is the General Election for several important offices including New York State’s Governor, and all states’ (including NY’s) representatives to the U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives (Congress).  By 8am Th. Nov. 10, please read, watch or listen to any source of news or commentary about the election.  Then post a “reply” to this post in which you (a) identify the title and source of what you read, heard etc. (with a link if possible), (b) write a short summary of what you read, heard, etc., and (c) tell us what YOU thought of it, such as whether you agree or disagree, or any questions or concerns you have, etc.  We’ll discuss them in class!

See you Thursday!