Hello, My name is Cand-Alicia Corke. I’ve recently moved to the U.S in 2019 from a beautiful Caribbean island called Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. I love watching criminal documentaries, baking and listening music. I’m currently a paralegal student hoping to become a criminal psychologist in the near future. I choose this major because i would love to have a degree in law which I can later put to use to get my degree in psychology at Columbia university. I also choose my career path because I feel like not every criminal is a bad person I have a feeling that the society they grow up in influences their behavior and i’ll love to study and help them  I’m also a party girl that loves to enjoy herself and love to make friends.

7 thoughts on “WHO I AM!

  1. I agree with the last part when you said ” not every criminal is a bad person I have a feeling that the society they grow up in influences their behavior”Each crime is motivated by a certain set of circumstances in life and has its own special set of factors. No one is flawless, and I think everyone deserves a shot in life.

  2. I also agree with what you said !! don’t speak negatively about someone specifically before even hearing their full story. And also when you mentioned how People most likely act the way they do because of there upbringing, very true.

  3. Hey, I agree with your claim that “Not every criminal is a bad person.” It’s definitely true because most offenders have a triggering point that is from trauma; it can be childhood upbringing, domestic abuse, or a traumatic event that occurred in the right place but at the wrong time. Sometimes they also react to the grief of lost families or loved ones. I loved watching Criminal Minds. It breaks down the ideal of profiling behaviors. I think you might like it since you plan to become a criminal psychologist.

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