Who I Am

Hi, I’m Maureen Okyere not o-kee-rie but au-che-rie. I grew up in Minnesota and I’m what one would call an acquired taste. I’ve lived in Minnesota, Texas, and New York and traveled to Canada and Ghana.  I’m majoring in law and paralegal studies because I want to become a lawyer someday. I discovered my love for law in high school when started advocating for myself and the people around me so I became president of my school’s Student Government. Unlike my peers, I wanted to become a doctor when I was younger, preferably a surgeon or a forensic anthropologist because I wanted to help people and also liked fixing things. I know that sounds weird. I loved science and everything about the human body. Growing up I watched shows like Bones, Law and order(SVU duhhh), Grey’s Anatomy, Castle, True Crime, and Rizzoli & Isles. It’s cool on TV but not in real life. The older I got I started liking new things. I still love science, and history, reading certain books, Listening to music, singing, free writing, and other things.

4 thoughts on “Who I Am

  1. Thanks Maureen! I really like Grey’s Anatomy too. I like hospital shows better than law shows, probably because law is what I do all the time, when I’m relaxing I want to watch something different.


  2. I love those shows too, especially Bones, I love bones. You’re a very ambitious person if you really put your mind to you can be a quadruple threat and be a doctor lawyer and part-time forensic anthropologist.

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