Law in culture

Veronica Mars is the film I chose for my Law in Culture assignment. The chosen film is about the main character, Veronica Mars, who is a student that works as a private investigator under the supervision of her detective father, Keith Mars. Veronica Mars, played by actress Kristen Bell, is about to graduate from law school and is interviewing with prestigious New York law firms when she receives a call from her ex-boyfriend Logan, played by actor Jason Dohring, who has been charged with murder. When Veronica goes to Neptune to assist Logan in finding a solid defense lawyer, she soon develops suspicions about the way the case is being handled and finds herself drawn back into the life of an amateur detective life she had thought she had left behind. Spoilers! Logan is innocent. With the help of Veronica Mars, she was able to prove his innocents with her excellent detective skills. 

Although it seems like Veronica Mars was a natural talent to be a private investigator or a detective, she is actually an aspired attorney who attends Law school. She is a very resourceful person. What makes a good case is having factual evidence to back it up. She strives for justice. Lawyers rely largely on their capacity to do an in-depth study on topics relating to the cases they work on for analytical and research skills. She goes above and beyond during her investigations, searching for documents while trying to prove Logan’s innocence. 

Did it actually portray the legal field? Like most films, no because it’s a teen drama. The film “Veronica Mars” was more of a criminology and detective base type of file. I feel as though the traits that she has displayed would have made her a good candidate to be a good lawyer.  I really enjoyed re-watching this film again. Veronica Mars greatly influenced my interest in law. Just the main character, Veronica mars, strong will persona and striving to help people get justice inspired me a lot. I hope I can go to Colombia University just like her. 

1 thought on “Law in culture

  1. Thanks Katelyn! I appreciate your honesty, that this show didn’t “actually” portray the legal field. But if it inspires you to pursue a legal education, then it’s still very valuable! Plus it’s fun to watch. 🙂 Great, well-written response!

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